
Welcome to the SLB kitchen! You guys know that I’ve been preaching for years that nutrition is 90%, and for the longest time I’ve been wanting to incorporate food into the mix in a bigger way. In addition to your weekly workouts, SLB members will now receive recipes each week that will live in-studio. Some will be my own and some will be from nutritionists, chefs and food partnerships. I’m so excited to help you guys reach your goals!.

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Eat With LB, Recipes lauren boggi Eat With LB, Recipes lauren boggi



I’m obsessed with stone fruit right now and kale’s always given in the kitchen. Grill the two and you’ll be in heaven. I’ve been whipping up this one multiple times a week. I haven’t tried it with a dairy-free sub yet because Mars loves this dish with crème fraîche added in. I usually love to use peaches but nectarines yield a result that’s just as good. The sweet and savory hits every spot.


1 bunch kale, stems removed (leave leaves as whole as possible)

1/4 cup full fat greek yogurt

2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp fresh ground black pepper

1 tsp sea salt

1/2 cup fresh basil leaves, torn

1/4 cup panko breadcrumbs, toasted

2 peaches, sliced thin


Heat your grill over high heat

Rub the kale with 1-2 tbsp olive oil

Place on grill and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side or until charred, then set aside.

In a large bowl, mix the yogurt, lemon, pepper, salt and olive oil.

Once kale has cooled, stack leaves and cut into 1’ ribbons.

Add to the dressing and toss to coat.

Add basil, breadcrumbs, and peaches then toss and serve.

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Lauren Boggi x Shauna Faulisi


Shauna Faulisi and I are cooking up something great on IG LIVE Wed., Aug. 5th @ 5PM EST / 2PM PST. We’re making a vegetarian dish—Tell us what seasonal summer veggie you’d like us to feature in the comments. Shauna is a friend, nutritionist, celeb wellness chef, creator of the @soulwellnessmethod, and SLB member. We’re so excited to be collaborating in the kitchen and can’t wait to bring you a delicious recipe.

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Eat With LB, Health and Wellness, Nutrition lauren boggi Eat With LB, Health and Wellness, Nutrition lauren boggi



One thing that has changed my life since moving to LA three years ago is changing my water system to purely alkaline water (Thank you, SoCal Water!). My entire life I’ve been a terrible water drinker. We know that we should drink at least 8 cups daily, more if we work out. You’ve probably heard that you should have water 30 minutes before you eat to promote weight loss. Skip room temperature water (you can burn more calories by drinking cold water). Is it just me or does the simplest thing you can do for your health feel so complicated? It’s enough to make your head spin!

You may have heard various health claims about alkaline water. Some say it can help slow the aging process, regulate your body’s pH level, and prevent chronic diseases like cancer. But what exactly is alkaline water, and why all the hype?

The “alkaline” in alkaline water refers to its pH level. The pH level is a number that measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is on a scale of 0 to 14. For example, something with a pH of 1 would be very acidic and something with a pH of 13 would be very alkaline. Normal drinking water typically has a neutral pH of 7. Alkaline water typically has a pH of 8 or 9. Alkaline water must also contain alkaline minerals and negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP). ORP is the ability of water to act as a pro- or anti-oxidant. The more negative the ORP value, the more anti-oxidizing it is.

As someone who takes her health and nutrition seriously - I choose the best possible quality foods like sustainable fish and organic produce; why wouldn’t I do the same with water? So when I moved I did, and here's what I’ve noticed:

Healthier Looking Skin

My skin is on the drier side and I cook and wash my hands lot – so they tend to get really dry. Even during the summertime when it’s hot I rely on heavy moisturizers on my face and body. My hands and cuticles are far less dry than usual. After two weeks of strictly alkaline I was using hand lotion about once a day and I rarely use it now.

And, not only has my skin become way more hydrated, my complexion has become clearer (and glow-ier). I swear this stuff is like the fountain of youth. I have less fine lines around my eyes, I rarely have any issues with rosacea anymore and I tend to break out along my chin once a month without fail but nowadays it’s really minimal.

Better Digestion

I have far less digestive symptoms: very little bloating; no acid…nothing.

Quicker Recovery Time

There isn’t scientific proof to support the health claims around alkaline water and faster recovery time post-workout – but that doesn’t mean those claims have been disproved. I know, first-hand, that more research is needed to fully understand what happens, physiologically, when we drink alkaline water but I will tell you that for the past three years, I’ve never recovered faster, post-workout.

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Having a beach bod is easy, you just take your body to the beach, right? It feels a bit different this year. At 5’ nothing I’m a pro at making myself look larger and longer both on and off camera. And guess what? I’m not always super confident (my first pic from any shoot looks very stiff ). Here are my six tips to looking and feeling great in your swimsuit.

Wear What You Feel Best In

Forget about what’s trendy and wear what you feel the most confident and comfortable in…and smile. Nobody will notice your insecurities if you feel good and look authentically happy.

Eat With LB

A few days before you’re planning on being in a bikini, drink plenty of water and decrease sodium and foods that cause bloating. It's not a case of healthy vs. unhealthy – choose still over sparkling water and stay away from veggies like cabbage or broccoli and beans which can cause bloating. I always choose anti-bloat options like sauteed greens and grilled chicken before I show major skin.


I know that I’m biased but seriously there is nothing out there that will tone and shape your body fast like Cardio-Cheer-Sculpting. Combining cardio and resistance training is key and even if you’re just doing our Quick Burn workouts, you are guaranteed results in as little as seven days. It’s as instant gratification as it gets.

Spray Tan

A spray tan can make you appear more toned and improve the appearance of cellulite in less than 30 minutes. It’s the ultimate confidence booster. I love St. Tropez.

Posture Perfect

Stand up straight with your shoulders pulled back and down and with as much confidence as you can gather. Lengthening your spine out through the crown of your head is literally the quickest and most effective change you can make.

High Pony

Volume or “big hair” draws attention to the upper half of your body, balancing your silhouette and providing a distraction from any parts you're not in love with at the current moment. A high pony adds two inches in height and stretches you out. Even a sun hat will do the trick!

Wear A Wedge

I’m talking about a flip flop with a heel (Haviana’s makes a great one) or a wedge - It will make your entire body appear longer and leaner.

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Eat With LB, Recipes lauren boggi Eat With LB, Recipes lauren boggi


CHIA 2.png

In search of a chia pudding that was a bit more decadent, without being too thick, this recipe is my favorite.  Don't leave out the cinnamon, it makes it next level. 

This recipe is vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, raw, and refined sugar-free and IT IS AWESOME because you can throw it together in just a couple minutes before bed and feel good about yourself in the morning.  I prefer to make this the night before so it has time to thicken up.

Makes: 4 servings,  Prep: 5 Minutes


  • 3 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk

  • 1-2 tablespoons canned coconut milk (I use the cream off the top)

  • 1 cup chia seeds

  • 6 teaspoons coconut sugar

  • 6-8 hefty pinches/shakes cinnamon


  1. Whisk almond milk, coconut milk, chia seeds, and cinnamon together in a large bowl. Let sit for 5-10 minutes and then whisk again to prevent clumping.

  2. Cover and put in the fridge for 3-4 hours or overnight.

  3. Stir, then portion into bowls and add your toppings (fruit, nuts, cinnamon, etc.) Leftovers will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for 3 to 4 days.

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LB's Progress

Multiple times a day (sometimes multiple times in an hour), I am asked how I’ve changed my fitness routine and diet to achieve these results, and how they can do the same. I’ll share my entire story, but it’s a simple combination of a good diet and Studio LB. Anyone reading this can achieve similar results, with a little bit of dedication and commitment. Studio LB members have access to our nutrition guide, 7-day meal plan and recipes but I want to share my story with everyone (check out my LA story, Ten Independent Training Tips, and My At-Home Fitness Story).

The Fitness:

Prior to starting Studio LB and taking my workouts digital, I had a very successful brick and mortar fitness concept based in Philadelphia, which closed in 2016. It was an amazing period of my life and I am so proud of the brand that I built when living in Philadelphia. It will always be a feather in my cap. However, my work/life balance was non-existent. I was running multiple fitness studios, managing 50 employees, as well as running two smaller arms of the brand (a food and clothing company) under the umbrella. I was strictly wearing my CEO hat, and my days were packed with instructor training, class development, teaching, marketing, blogging, expansion, etc. The business was incredibly operationally heavy and my stress levels were through the roof. I was also a new mom. Between my more than full time job as a CEO/entrepreneur, and my more than full time job as a mom, there was no time to workout after work. I would often leave my center city condo and go for a quick run at 10PM.

Many of you might be thinking, but you still taught a few classes a week, isn’t that a workout? Absolutely not. Instructors demo the move once or twice, but then move around to work the room and correct. When I teach, it’s your workout, not mine. It doesn’t even come close to the workout you get from a Quick Burn, let alone a full 50-min workout.

Studio LB everything changed. My job now requires me to workout. Being on camera, you have to do almost every rep, of every move. I don’t take breaks or use different cuts. I film straight through so that my workout is the same as yours and so that I can test the content. You see me - the only breaks I take are when I need to catch my breath so that I can continue to talk and teach you.

Everyone is shocked to hear that Studio LB is all that I do, but that’s the truth. I do not attend studio classes so that I’m not creatively influenced as I want to keep my method pure. I film our weekly Program each week (four workouts): two 40-50 min. workouts and two 15-25 min. Quick Burn workouts. If I’m prepping for Activation, I may do some running and hill drills leading up to the retreat….but honestly, I can probably count the number of times on my two hands that I do this each year. Studio LB combined with a healthy diet is all I need, and it’s all you need! The key is to make sure you’re always working at 10. If you’re working at a 3-5 it won’t cut it. You’ve got to push at least at a 7 or 8 if not always at a 10.

The Food:

Food is everything. I’ve always been a healthy, whole foods eater, but in 2015/2016, I had noticed that my stomach would often hurt after a meal.  I chalked it up to stress or a possible gluten sensitivity. Or, maybe I was just stuffing my face. I was definitely drinking way too much cold-pressed juice. What I did know for sure was that my health was taking second place to an ever-growing list of professional and personal demands.

Then, in the fall of 2016, I had a severe auto-immune reaction to a Sweetgreen salad (SG, it's not you, it's me!). This particular salad was a triple threat: farro, quinoa, and tofu, along with a soy-based dressing.  I remember that I ate it on a Friday.  By that night, my stomach was six-months pregnant bloated, and my entire GI tract was painful to the touch.  I was in bed with a slight fever, chills and body aches.  It took me four full days to feel better, and I haven’t eaten tofu or farro since. 

After my company shut down in December 2016, I really went through it and completely fell off my healthy eating routine.  Initially, I was barely eating and then when I did eat, I ate unhealthily and drank too much wine at night.  In February, my friend and co-worker, Katie (you’ve seen her in some of the Studio LB workouts, or have spoken to her on the hotline) had just come back from two weeks in Panama followed by a wedding in Israel; three straight weeks filled with pasta, late nights out and lots of grilled cheese.  I overheard Katie talking to her sister about doing Whole30 for one month.  I decided that it wouldn’t hurt for me to check it out and join in but I knew immediately that it WASN’T FOR ME.

There were a lot of rules (and also a lot of bad press). It’s designed to help you identify foods that have an adverse effect on your body. In order to identify these foods, you must first eliminate them for 30 days to get your body to a blank slate.  So, no dairy, no sugar, no alcohol, no grains no legumes, including black beans, garbanzos, kidney or soy, and no additives like MSG.  Instead, the focus is: Meat, seafood, eggs, veggies, healthy fats like avocado, or olive oil, and low glycemic fruits like berries and apples (exactly how I eat now, btw).

I don’t love hard restrictions and I knew that I could easily do it my way since I eliminated dairy many years ago. I wasn’t going without:

  • Wine because I was going through some sh*t, so I allowed myself (and still drink) 6 oz. per day.

  • Lentils, and garbanzo beans…because they are not processed, and they are healthy, veggie proteins. 

  • Brown rice and quinoa. I’m a big fan of rice (it has fueled 10+ Activations along with killer transformations) and 2 tablespoons of quinoa is my sweet spot. 

  • Personally, I just cannot eat animal protein every day. I knew that I was going into this my way so that it would work for me.  What I was doing became the "LB Plan," and Katie and her sister actually did do Whole30. 

Week 1: "All Set!" With my fridge stocked to photo-shoot perfection, I started out strong. The first three days were great and I felt more energized.

Days four through seven were more difficult for me.  I don’t really ever deny myself what my body wants (within reason) but I really wanted to stick to my plan. I packed tea and plenty of fresh fruit, nuts and crudité on days when the struggle was really real, and I called Katie whenever I was tempted to cheat.  On day seven my abs were popping like they hadn't in years and at that moment I was ALL IN.

Week 2: “Who dat!?” On day 10, I felt like this was my new normal and I was never going back. I was excited, and my energy was through the roof.  My mood swings and stomachaches were gone for good and I was sleeping SO much better.

Week 3: “French fries?  Um, more veggies please!” By week three, I felt like the old me.  I was awake and alert, early mornings became easy, and I had absolutely no desire to cheat.  And, I was telling everyone.  When I believe in something, I spread the gospel something fierce.  Like, everyone I knew HAD TO DO THIS. 

Week 4: “It’s over?  I’m never stopping.” I was happy my 30 days were almost over, because I was really excited to reintroduce some dark chocolate, and a little something in my coffee, but I also felt so freaking fantastic that I didn’t want it to end.  My insides felt so perfect and healthy and I knew that I was committed to eating this way forever.

I incorporate these guidelines in my daily life today. I also eat small portions because I am a small person at 5’0”. Since April 2017, I’ve stuck with this plan, adopting a 90/10 rule where I mostly follow the plan unless I am out with friends or have a special event.

My plan has changed my relationship with food for the better.  My metabolism is like never before, and I don’t miss sugar at all.  I look forward to prepping, planning and cooking for myself and I love knowing what fuel my body really needs for energy and peak athletic performance. 

I hope you commit to falling in love with real, whole foods and cooking as much as I have.  Find what really works for you, and what is a non-negotiable to go without (don’t say pizza).  Also, I highly recommend doing this with a buddy. Now it’s a way of life for me, but I don’t know if I could have completed my second week without being able to lean on Katie.  


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Spring in quarantine is the perfect time to establish (or re-establish) a self-care routine. Self-care doesn’t have to mean a luxurious day at the spa or come with a heavy price tag. It can be super simple. For example, I've been enjoying this Matcha Beauty Tonic every morning with my phone and computer turned off.

I love matcha. It provides a delicious nutrient-rich energy boost pre and post -Studio LB. And it has so many amazing benefits. It gives you the zip of coffee without raising your heart rate.  It also keeps you satiated and works as a fat blocker by blocking the ability of digestive enzymes to break down fat, a step necessary for fat to enter our cells. So instead of absorbing and storing the fat, it gets passed through the body. Matcha is also rich in chlorophyll, which alkalizes and detoxifes the blood. By increasing its pH, the body has a better chance of getting more oxygen and nutrients to cells for healing. I notice that my skin looks more radiant and I feel revitalized when I drink it.  

Spring Matcha Beauty Tonic

1/2 tsp. matcha
Choice of nut or oat milk to taste
1/4 tsp. ashwagandha (adaptogen/stress relief)
1/4 tsp. reishi (superfood/immune booster)
1/4 tsp. mesquite (superfood/blood sugar stabilizer and protein)

Scoop matcha powder (start at 1/4 tsp. then adjust according to your taste), ashwagandha, reishi, and mesquite into a cup. Fill cup with hot water, and then whisk in your choice of milk until it starts to froth.

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How are you guys feeling? Is your mood meh? Having a tough time getting your mind right? Our mind is our strongest muscle and worst enemy so we have to train it well. Quarantine is crazy and life gets in everyone's way, but you absolutely CAN reach your goals and achieve the results you want. Here are ten tips (and more) for when you can't seem to get your rear in gear, get out of your own head, or stay motivated. 

Prioritize. No time because you spend hours on your phone? Turn that time into active time. In the long run you'll be glad that you put your health first. Your body will thank you, too. 

Make a date with YOU. Schedule your workout just like you schedule your Zoom happy hours and honor that commitment. It's just as important. 

Write it down. Tracking your progress and setbacks is eye-opening and effective. Record how long you worked out, what workout you did, how you felt after. I always remind myself that I'm only 50 minutes away from a good mood and that always motivates me to just do it on days when I need a boost. 

Stay positive. Your body hears everything your mind thinks!

Imagine it. Visualize your results! Think about how you will look and feel after one month, six weeks, three months, six months, and one year. Results are the best motivational tool, so be sure to keep up with your own measurements and photos. 

Make yourself accountable. Going public with your story keeps you committed.  Tell your friends and family.

Don't get discouraged. It's important to make a long-term commitment, even if it means going without noticeable results for a week. Remember that you can't go wrong by eating whole foods and working out regularly (especially when it's fun). 

Find a few LB besties. Motivation flows both ways, and our community needs it as much as we all do individually. Reach out to the hotline, the Facebook group, or get with a friend on video and do Studio LB or walk together.

Reward yourself! I'm not talking about junk food. Each week that you accomplish your goals (maybe it's a certain number of workouts, following the schedule, or working out consistently at 6AM.

Treat yourself to something that inspires you to stick with it, like a new pair of jeans or a piece of jewelry. I recommend creating a point system. When you meet your goals, give yourself a point and record it. When you hit a certain amount of points, treat yourself to an activity that makes you feel great, such as a mani/pedi with friends or a massage.   

Activation. If you've gone on Activation with us, you know that Studio LB travels well! Get outside, have fun, and utilize your surroundings.

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Image courtesy of JessTales on Etsy

Image courtesy of JessTales on Etsy

Early this week I was having trouble springing out of bed and just felt aggressive and in a funk for no real reason. Now, I’m no rookie as this happens every month but yet I still don’t realize that it’s my cycle that’s making me feel like a total lunatic. When I looked at the calendar it made so much sense. No, not Daylight Savings Time, the full moon, or Friday the 13th… but my period was set to start at any moment. I’m trying lately to be more aware of my cycle, and adjusting to meet my hormonal and mood shifts throughout the month.

Each menstrual cycle starts on the first day of your period, and ends when your next period begins. In that time you have a menstrual phase (period), follicular phase, ovulatory phase, and luteal phase. Your menstrual phase is actually a part of the follicular phase. Five major hormones are at play during your cycle and rise and fall over the course of the month: estrogen, testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and progesterone. What you eat and the intensity of your movements can help optimize your energy as these hormones shift throughout your cycle.

While I’ve always listened to my body when it comes to how hard to push exercise, lately I’ve started shifting the foods I’m eating to match my cycle too. During your menstrual phase, estrogen and progesterone start low and then rise over the course of the follicular phase. Estrogen peaks during ovulation with testosterone and progesterone rising, and then if an egg isn’t fertilized the hormones start to decrease before the next cycle begins. Everyone has a slightly different timeline for this cycle, but it averages around a month.

I’ve found my energy maxes out during ovulation, and then falls right before my period begins. My surge in energy during ovulation would make sense with testosterone peaking so this is when I add my pre-Activation canyon hill runs into the mix on top of filming Studio LB workouts. This is where I (and you) can really push it with heavier weights, higher intensity and getting in every single rep since hormones are on your side! Leading up to and during my period, I focus more on stretching, yoga, and flow workouts to match my lower energy level.

As for food, you all know that my staples are rich in leafy greens, lean proteins and complex carbs. These foods make me feel good no matter where my hormones are at but I’ve started peppering in a few other ingredients to match my cycle. Directly after my period and during the remainder of the follicular phase before ovulation, I’ve learned that fermented foods can help metabolize estrogen. Adding kimchi, kefir, miso into the mix seem to help even me out during these weeks.

Then, just before my period during the luteal phase it’s normal to crave foods heavy on the salt and fat as we find them comforting. But some other serotonin boosting foods are said to be eggs, pineapple, and salmon. I’ve found cooking these up during PMS times helps curb the cravings for salty mac and cheese or some of Mars’s In-N-Out fries.

Finally, during my period I’m prone to iron deficiency (as are many women), so I add spinach to basically everything from salads to soups to eggs to smoothies. While I’m not a huge meat eater, during my period is generally the only time a filet mignon seems super appealing too.

I know that you guys also feel the push and pull on your appetite and energy levels throughout your cycle. I’d love to know any resources or books to look for to learn more too! Let me know on the hotline 424-327-5470

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Eat With LB lauren boggi Eat With LB lauren boggi



After this week I think we all need a glass. Tbh, I’ll pair wine with pretty much anything—and Super Bowl Sunday snacks are no exception. While the game is typically celebrated with beer or hard cider (this year, Mexican beer is hot). I always try to have a killer white, red and sparkling at the house– something that I’m excited to open & share with friends and I always like to have Champagne on hand because why not? I try to go with the seasons, so right now pop orange wine, red wine and also, champagne.

Perfect Pairings

  • Sauvignon Blanc or Orange Wine + Crudites.

  • Cava + Fruit.

  • Champagne + Fried Chicken.

  • Prosecco + Spicy Chicken Wings.

  • Pétillant Naturel + Guacamole.

  • Pino Grigio + Cheese Plate.

  • Rosé + Pigs in a Blanket.

  • Medium bodied Montepulciano D’Abruzzo (Trader Joe’s sells one for under $10) + Pizza.

  • Gamay + Nachos.

  • California Cab + Burgers + Hotdogs.

  • Sauvignon Blanc + Anything Nacho.

  • Grüner Veltliner + Sausage.

  • Merlot + Chili.

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Eat With LB, Health and Wellness, Nutrition lauren boggi Eat With LB, Health and Wellness, Nutrition lauren boggi



During the holidays my fridge gets out of control really quickly. And when it does, I totally lose track of what I have in there. I also lose a little inspiration to eat healthy which makes me feel great and keeps my energy levels high. This week is the perfect time to tackle your refrigerator and give it a good makeover pre-holiday. You'll feel better, and it will inspire you to eat healthier too.

Clean House. Get rid of limp veggies and check expiration dates on all of your condiments.

Prep! Take fruit and veggies out of plastic bags and cut them up so that they are ready. Arrange salads and vegetables so you can clearly identify what you have on-hand.

Clear Containers
. We tend to use what we see. I like to cut up melon, pineapple, and berries and store them in these. Because glass containers are expensive, I hesitated for years but most of my vegetables and salad greens are neatly displayed in them now. In addition to being freezer, microwave and dishwasher-safe, the thick tempered glass makes them quite durable and chip-resistant, and I love the fact that you can clearly see the container's contents. When not in use, the containers and lids nest perfectly inside each other, and when they are in use, the square containers fit neatly side by side, maximizing precious fridge/freezer space.

Fresh Herbs. Fresh herbs add so much flavor to salads, soups, smoothies, and are believed to be more beneficial when enjoyed fresh rather than dry. Each week I try to invest in a few different varieties and store them in pretty glasses in my fridge or by my sink. Right now I’m enjoying lemon balm and mint. 

Leftovers Up Font. In the past, leftovers quickly got lost in the back of my refrigerator. Now, I make an effort to keep them in the front (in my glass containers) where my family can see them. I really get creative with my leftovers - I like to double the recipe for quinoa salad with carrots, parsley, and basil and toss it with a baby spinach, make a quinoa frittata, or tuck it into a wrap. 

Spa Water. 
Water keeps your body hydrated, your skin glowing, and revs up your metabolism.

Organize Condiments. All the different varieties of dressing, mustard, tamari, vitamins and hot sauce were exploding out of my fridge. So, I took a hard look at what I had and considered whether I really used it and enjoyed it. If not, I tossed it.

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Eat With LB, Health and Wellness, Nutrition lauren boggi Eat With LB, Health and Wellness, Nutrition lauren boggi

Healthy Swaps


With the holidays come delicious but super decadent treats. Indulge in them all and you"ll feel (and look) bloated, skip them all and you'll feel cheated. I prefer to swap many of them for their lighter cousins. (Think: No to that second calorie and sugar-laden coffee, yes to to Cha Cha Matcha).

Here are a few ideas for picking healthier foods this season.

Cha Cha Matcha

Swap your second sugary coffee with Cha Cha Matcha. It’s Antioxidant rich, has a great taste and a clean buzz with zero calories, zero fat, and zero sugar.

Dark Horse Probiotic Vinaigrette

I make my own dressing but Dark Horse Probiotic Vinaigrette is SO good and always in my fridge. Made with ingredients like sauerkraut liquid, pine pollen and charcoal - it’s effervescent and delish.

Wrawp Veggie Wraps

Collards are my go-to but I keep Wrawp Veggie wraps in the house for when someone wants more heft without the bread. They make great quesadillas, pizza and panini’s, as well.

Siete Foods Grain-Free Taco Shells

So good - just an all around better option. Siete Foods taco shells are made with cassava flour, avocado oil and are only 120 calories for two shells.

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Eat With LB, Recipes lauren boggi Eat With LB, Recipes lauren boggi


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How are there only two weeks until Halloween? It seems impossible, and yet here we are halfway through the Studio LB October program and getting ready to celebrate. Whether that means hitting up a sexy low-lit costume party or going door to door trick-or-treating with your little Buzz Lightyear/Baby Shark/Wonder Woman, Halloween goes hand in hand with sugary and boozy indulgences. Give yourself some grace and go ahead having a spiked hot cider or Reese’s cup, but I also wanted to share two of my favorite Studio LB approved Halloween treats that won’t undermine your progress.

For Mars - Candy Corn Popsicles

Hot Take: candy corn is not good. At all. Sorry, not sorry. But these popsicles have the pretty color scheme of candy corn and actually taste good so it’s a win win. Frozen or fresh fruit both work for this recipe, and this fills about 10 molds.


  • 1 cup coconut milk (from a 15 oz. can)

  • 1 teaspoon agave syrup

  • 1 cup diced pineapple

  • 1 cup diced peaches

  • 1/2 cup water


  • Add agave to coconut milk to taste - you want it sweet but not overwhelming. Fill 1/3 of the popsicle molds with coconut milk. Insert popsicle sticks and top and place in the freezer with mold cover to freeze completely.

  • Puree pineapple in blender or food processor with just enough water until thick and smooth. Fill the second third of the ice pop mold with the pineapple. Freeze.

  • Puree frozen peaches in blender or food processor with enough water until thick and smooth. You may want a few more drops of agave here to sweeten. Fill the pop molds the rest of the way up and freeze.

  • Release pops by running briefly under warm water.

For Me & Jordan - Smoky Spooky Szn

We take Mars down to West Hollywood for trick or treating, since our hood would require a serious hill hike to get a haul of candy. After we get home and put our sugar crazed child to bed, we’re planning to have this delicious cocktail outside together and decompress. Something about the smokiness in mezcal reminds me of cooler temperatures, so it just feels right for Halloween. We like to load up this margarita-ish cocktail with ground turmeric for its anti-inflammatory qualities.


  • 2 oz mezcal

  • 1.5 oz fresh squeezed orange juice 

  • 1 tsp ground turmeric

  • 3 tsp agave syrup

  • lime wedge & coarse salt to garnish


  • Mix mezcal, orange juice, turmeric and agave over ice in a cocktail shaker and shake.

  • Wet glass rim with lime wedge, and salt the rim with a mix of ground turmeric and coarse salt.

  • Serve over ice & enjoy

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Eat With LB, Nutrition, Recipes lauren boggi Eat With LB, Nutrition, Recipes lauren boggi



Summertime, Labor Day, juicy tomatoes, and watermelon salads are just about in our rear view mirror, and it’s all Pumpkin Spice lattes (and candles, and laundry detergent wtf) as far as the eye can see. The cooler temperatures and back to school vibe are affecting my cravings for different ingredients, and I love to turn to what’s seasonal. Here are a few great foods to toss into your fall salads and weeknight dinners this month to embrace autumn’s arrival.


In August and September, it’s all about figs. If you’re not using them in your salads, baked goods, and breakfasts you’re seriously missing out. Figs are antioxidant rich, high in calcium and iron, and super high in fiber. I recently discovered grilling figs to add to salads and it’s a great blend of sweet and smoky.

Prickly Pear

This funky cactus ingredient is said to counteract inflammation and act as a hangover cure… sign me up. It’s high in fiber and carotenoids. These guys are all over my hood but you can often find prickly pear (or cactus pear) at farmers markets or natural food markets, and it’s great peeled and raw or added to smoothies for added natural sweetness. Remember to wear gloves as you slice and peel them to not end up with spines in your fingers!

Butternut Squash

Roasted squash has to be the heartiest, most delicious, smoothest ingredient I look forward to the minute the temperature drops below 70 degrees. It’s the simplest way to make any greens into a meal, with or without additional proteins. Eating antioxidant rich foods, like squash, has been said to aid memory recall and preserve mental acuity as we age so I’m keeping this half-sweet half-savory nutrient dense squash in my regular rotation this fall.


In North America, sunchoke season begins technically in October so I’m prepping myself in anticipation of these tubers. They’re high in potassium, iron, and protein and they’re known to aid blood pressure regulation. They’re slightly nutty and a little sweet, and are great sliced thin and added to salads, baked, or sautéed and made into soups. Remember when we talked about prebiotics the other week? This is a good one!

Tell me what you’re cooking up this fall to stay warm but also keeping it high and tight! Sound off and share your favorite seasonal recipes in our facebook group too.

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Eat With LB, Recipes, Nutrition lauren boggi Eat With LB, Recipes, Nutrition lauren boggi


Image via IG @gabbois

Image via IG @gabbois

I think we can all agree that more greens and fewer items that come from the middle, highly processed aisles of the grocery store are key to a healthier diet. I definitely subscribe to a KISS (keep it simple, stupid) approach with food, but I also am fascinated by the science of nutrition and alternative approaches and fun ingredients. Sometimes, technical food terms can get complex so I wanted to break down a few food-related buzzwords and my thoughts on each: probiotics, probiotics, adaptogens, and fermentation.

A prebiotic is an ingredient that our bodies cannot digest and stimulates growth of positive microorganisms inside. A probiotic is a live microorganism like bacteria similar to those in our body already that we ingest for healthy gut benefits. They have been shown to aid in digestion.

The use of prebiotics and probiotics together to benefit gut health is called microbiome therapy. You don’t need to ingest a prebiotic for probiotics to work, but eating them through foods or a doctor-approved dietary supplement might make your probiotics more effective. Prebiotics act as a food for probiotics, and they can be found in fiber-filled foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Probiotics occur naturally in foods like yogurt, sauerkraut and tempeh. So far, there’s been less scientific research on the benefits of prebiotics than probiotics. A happy gut means a better immune system, better sleep, better mood, and overall positive health.

In herbal medicine, adaptogens are a natural substance considered to help the body adapt to stress and to exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes. Common examples of adaptogens are ginseng, licorice, rosemary and aloe vera. Eastern medicine and Ayurvedic traditions incorporate adaptogenic herbs in their healing practices, and they are becoming more common now in a western market. By regulating hormones, adaptogens promote healthy weight maintenance, encourage proper immune system function, can act as an antidepressant, and are can protect against nerve degeneration.

Personally, I like to use ashwaganda & maca in smoothies for their adaptogenic qualities. I swear by Moon Juice’s product line. Ashwaganda is said to relieve stress and increase your ability to concentrate and focus. Maca powder helps to regulate mood swings and increase libido, so into the smoothie it goes!

The final buzzy food practice I want to cover is fermentation. This is the process of converting carbohydrates to alcohol or organic acids using microorganisms like yeasts or bacteria. Fermentation and microbiome therapy go hand in hand, since fermenting food promotes the growth of good bacteria, aka probiotics. My favorite fermented food to use in recipes lately is kimchi, which helps with digestion, reduces cholesterol levels, gives you shinier hair… do I have to continue? 

Look out soon for my kimchi taco recipe to reap the benefits of a nutrient dense and delicious fermented food.

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Air Max 95 via Nike

Did the fourth sneak up on us, or what? I love Independence Day so much: time with my family and friends, fireworks that burst first and then sizzle, and flag-shaped pies made with strawberries and blueberries. This year, we’re heading to Newport Beach for a long weekend and that means four whole days outside of my normal routine. 

Gearing up my motivation to stay consistent on vacation can be tough, so I try to get in either a full 50-minute or shorter, 25-min. Quick Burn Studio LB workout before everyone else wakes up for the morning. This week’s 26-min. Cardio + Sculpt, Brooke is perfect for the holiday week. If I skip it in the morning, inevitably a mimosa finds its way into my hand around brunch time and I lose steam. Other than motivation, logistically getting a workout in on vacation depends on how strategically I pack for the trip. Sometimes I’m so focused on being sure Mars has swimsuits, jammies, extra underwear, etc, that I can leave my own packing to the very last minute.

This time I’m packing my Oh Joy! weekender bag to set me up for success to stay on track fitness and nutrition wise, and wanted to share my four key staples: loops, chia seeds, supplements, and sneakers. Even though Newport Beach is just a quick drive for us this time, all four of these staples are carry-on friendly for when I’m flying too.


Studio LB Loops

It’s not realistic for me to travel with a set of 8 or 10 pound weights, but loops are basically weightless and perfect to toss in my bag. My loops set includes light, medium, and heavy resistance bands to sculpt the booty, hips, thighs and upper body. If you scroll down in the Explore page of the Studio LB app and click “Search by Prop,” you’ll find Sculpting and Cardio workouts incorporating loops that you can do while traveling.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and calcium. I like to either prep chia pudding and leave it overnight in the fridge if I have access to a kitchenette, or add them on top of my salads throughout the day. I definitely prefer soaking chia seeds to eating them dry, since hydrated chia helps me feel full longer and is easier to digest.



I portion out scoops of Moon Juice protein powder into travel storage containers rather than bringing the entire tub with me, and aim to make one nutrient dense smoothie per day. It’s helpful to toss single serving packets of MCT oil in my carry on too to boost brain function, digestion, and overall energy.


It’s no secret I’m obsessed with sneakers. I justify my devotion to them saying they’re basically my work wardrobe... right? Whether you choose to wear them on your flight or tuck them in the base of your roller bag, don’t leave them at home. You can find time on your trip to get a sweat sesh in. Since moving to California, I’ve really come to love hiking as a social way to get in my workout and sneakers are key. If you do forget them, I learned recently that Westin Hotels have a fitness gear lending program which is so awesome.

So that’s my basic packing plan for Independence Day to make sure I stay on track food and fitness wise! This trip I feel really prepared to stick with my regular routines even during an excellent, fun, celebratory holiday weekend. Text me on the hotline if you have any questions or ideas about fitness over the Fourth 424-327-5470. 

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