Air Max 95 via Nike
Did the fourth sneak up on us, or what? I love Independence Day so much: time with my family and friends, fireworks that burst first and then sizzle, and flag-shaped pies made with strawberries and blueberries. This year, we’re heading to Newport Beach for a long weekend and that means four whole days outside of my normal routine.
Gearing up my motivation to stay consistent on vacation can be tough, so I try to get in either a full 50-minute or shorter, 25-min. Quick Burn Studio LB workout before everyone else wakes up for the morning. This week’s 26-min. Cardio + Sculpt, Brooke is perfect for the holiday week. If I skip it in the morning, inevitably a mimosa finds its way into my hand around brunch time and I lose steam. Other than motivation, logistically getting a workout in on vacation depends on how strategically I pack for the trip. Sometimes I’m so focused on being sure Mars has swimsuits, jammies, extra underwear, etc, that I can leave my own packing to the very last minute.
This time I’m packing my Oh Joy! weekender bag to set me up for success to stay on track fitness and nutrition wise, and wanted to share my four key staples: loops, chia seeds, supplements, and sneakers. Even though Newport Beach is just a quick drive for us this time, all four of these staples are carry-on friendly for when I’m flying too.
Studio LB Loops
It’s not realistic for me to travel with a set of 8 or 10 pound weights, but loops are basically weightless and perfect to toss in my bag. My loops set includes light, medium, and heavy resistance bands to sculpt the booty, hips, thighs and upper body. If you scroll down in the Explore page of the Studio LB app and click “Search by Prop,” you’ll find Sculpting and Cardio workouts incorporating loops that you can do while traveling.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and calcium. I like to either prep chia pudding and leave it overnight in the fridge if I have access to a kitchenette, or add them on top of my salads throughout the day. I definitely prefer soaking chia seeds to eating them dry, since hydrated chia helps me feel full longer and is easier to digest.
I portion out scoops of Moon Juice protein powder into travel storage containers rather than bringing the entire tub with me, and aim to make one nutrient dense smoothie per day. It’s helpful to toss single serving packets of MCT oil in my carry on too to boost brain function, digestion, and overall energy.
It’s no secret I’m obsessed with sneakers. I justify my devotion to them saying they’re basically my work wardrobe... right? Whether you choose to wear them on your flight or tuck them in the base of your roller bag, don’t leave them at home. You can find time on your trip to get a sweat sesh in. Since moving to California, I’ve really come to love hiking as a social way to get in my workout and sneakers are key. If you do forget them, I learned recently that Westin Hotels have a fitness gear lending program which is so awesome.
So that’s my basic packing plan for Independence Day to make sure I stay on track food and fitness wise! This trip I feel really prepared to stick with my regular routines even during an excellent, fun, celebratory holiday weekend. Text me on the hotline if you have any questions or ideas about fitness over the Fourth 424-327-5470.