LB's Progress

Multiple times a day (sometimes multiple times in an hour), I am asked how I’ve changed my fitness routine and diet to achieve these results, and how they can do the same. I’ll share my entire story, but it’s a simple combination of a good diet and Studio LB. Anyone reading this can achieve similar results, with a little bit of dedication and commitment. Studio LB members have access to our nutrition guide, 7-day meal plan and recipes but I want to share my story with everyone (check out my LA story, Ten Independent Training Tips, and My At-Home Fitness Story).

The Fitness:

Prior to starting Studio LB and taking my workouts digital, I had a very successful brick and mortar fitness concept based in Philadelphia, which closed in 2016. It was an amazing period of my life and I am so proud of the brand that I built when living in Philadelphia. It will always be a feather in my cap. However, my work/life balance was non-existent. I was running multiple fitness studios, managing 50 employees, as well as running two smaller arms of the brand (a food and clothing company) under the umbrella. I was strictly wearing my CEO hat, and my days were packed with instructor training, class development, teaching, marketing, blogging, expansion, etc. The business was incredibly operationally heavy and my stress levels were through the roof. I was also a new mom. Between my more than full time job as a CEO/entrepreneur, and my more than full time job as a mom, there was no time to workout after work. I would often leave my center city condo and go for a quick run at 10PM.

Many of you might be thinking, but you still taught a few classes a week, isn’t that a workout? Absolutely not. Instructors demo the move once or twice, but then move around to work the room and correct. When I teach, it’s your workout, not mine. It doesn’t even come close to the workout you get from a Quick Burn, let alone a full 50-min workout.

Studio LB everything changed. My job now requires me to workout. Being on camera, you have to do almost every rep, of every move. I don’t take breaks or use different cuts. I film straight through so that my workout is the same as yours and so that I can test the content. You see me - the only breaks I take are when I need to catch my breath so that I can continue to talk and teach you.

Everyone is shocked to hear that Studio LB is all that I do, but that’s the truth. I do not attend studio classes so that I’m not creatively influenced as I want to keep my method pure. I film our weekly Program each week (four workouts): two 40-50 min. workouts and two 15-25 min. Quick Burn workouts. If I’m prepping for Activation, I may do some running and hill drills leading up to the retreat….but honestly, I can probably count the number of times on my two hands that I do this each year. Studio LB combined with a healthy diet is all I need, and it’s all you need! The key is to make sure you’re always working at 10. If you’re working at a 3-5 it won’t cut it. You’ve got to push at least at a 7 or 8 if not always at a 10.

The Food:

Food is everything. I’ve always been a healthy, whole foods eater, but in 2015/2016, I had noticed that my stomach would often hurt after a meal.  I chalked it up to stress or a possible gluten sensitivity. Or, maybe I was just stuffing my face. I was definitely drinking way too much cold-pressed juice. What I did know for sure was that my health was taking second place to an ever-growing list of professional and personal demands.

Then, in the fall of 2016, I had a severe auto-immune reaction to a Sweetgreen salad (SG, it's not you, it's me!). This particular salad was a triple threat: farro, quinoa, and tofu, along with a soy-based dressing.  I remember that I ate it on a Friday.  By that night, my stomach was six-months pregnant bloated, and my entire GI tract was painful to the touch.  I was in bed with a slight fever, chills and body aches.  It took me four full days to feel better, and I haven’t eaten tofu or farro since. 

After my company shut down in December 2016, I really went through it and completely fell off my healthy eating routine.  Initially, I was barely eating and then when I did eat, I ate unhealthily and drank too much wine at night.  In February, my friend and co-worker, Katie (you’ve seen her in some of the Studio LB workouts, or have spoken to her on the hotline) had just come back from two weeks in Panama followed by a wedding in Israel; three straight weeks filled with pasta, late nights out and lots of grilled cheese.  I overheard Katie talking to her sister about doing Whole30 for one month.  I decided that it wouldn’t hurt for me to check it out and join in but I knew immediately that it WASN’T FOR ME.

There were a lot of rules (and also a lot of bad press). It’s designed to help you identify foods that have an adverse effect on your body. In order to identify these foods, you must first eliminate them for 30 days to get your body to a blank slate.  So, no dairy, no sugar, no alcohol, no grains no legumes, including black beans, garbanzos, kidney or soy, and no additives like MSG.  Instead, the focus is: Meat, seafood, eggs, veggies, healthy fats like avocado, or olive oil, and low glycemic fruits like berries and apples (exactly how I eat now, btw).

I don’t love hard restrictions and I knew that I could easily do it my way since I eliminated dairy many years ago. I wasn’t going without:

  • Wine because I was going through some sh*t, so I allowed myself (and still drink) 6 oz. per day.

  • Lentils, and garbanzo beans…because they are not processed, and they are healthy, veggie proteins. 

  • Brown rice and quinoa. I’m a big fan of rice (it has fueled 10+ Activations along with killer transformations) and 2 tablespoons of quinoa is my sweet spot. 

  • Personally, I just cannot eat animal protein every day. I knew that I was going into this my way so that it would work for me.  What I was doing became the "LB Plan," and Katie and her sister actually did do Whole30. 

Week 1: "All Set!" With my fridge stocked to photo-shoot perfection, I started out strong. The first three days were great and I felt more energized.

Days four through seven were more difficult for me.  I don’t really ever deny myself what my body wants (within reason) but I really wanted to stick to my plan. I packed tea and plenty of fresh fruit, nuts and crudité on days when the struggle was really real, and I called Katie whenever I was tempted to cheat.  On day seven my abs were popping like they hadn't in years and at that moment I was ALL IN.

Week 2: “Who dat!?” On day 10, I felt like this was my new normal and I was never going back. I was excited, and my energy was through the roof.  My mood swings and stomachaches were gone for good and I was sleeping SO much better.

Week 3: “French fries?  Um, more veggies please!” By week three, I felt like the old me.  I was awake and alert, early mornings became easy, and I had absolutely no desire to cheat.  And, I was telling everyone.  When I believe in something, I spread the gospel something fierce.  Like, everyone I knew HAD TO DO THIS. 

Week 4: “It’s over?  I’m never stopping.” I was happy my 30 days were almost over, because I was really excited to reintroduce some dark chocolate, and a little something in my coffee, but I also felt so freaking fantastic that I didn’t want it to end.  My insides felt so perfect and healthy and I knew that I was committed to eating this way forever.

I incorporate these guidelines in my daily life today. I also eat small portions because I am a small person at 5’0”. Since April 2017, I’ve stuck with this plan, adopting a 90/10 rule where I mostly follow the plan unless I am out with friends or have a special event.

My plan has changed my relationship with food for the better.  My metabolism is like never before, and I don’t miss sugar at all.  I look forward to prepping, planning and cooking for myself and I love knowing what fuel my body really needs for energy and peak athletic performance. 

I hope you commit to falling in love with real, whole foods and cooking as much as I have.  Find what really works for you, and what is a non-negotiable to go without (don’t say pizza).  Also, I highly recommend doing this with a buddy. Now it’s a way of life for me, but I don’t know if I could have completed my second week without being able to lean on Katie.  


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One thing we don’t talk enough about is how to successfully make the transition from primarily exercising at gyms and fitness studios, to primarily exercising at home. The key is learning what works for you in terms of self-motivation and accountability.  At gyms or in class, people tend to find their motivation because someone else is watching, or you may show up for your workout because you’ll be charged if you skip it. These motivational factors aren’t relevant w/ digital fitness so you need to change your mindset. Recently, I shared a few tips from myself as well as some of our long time members. Many of you reached out asking for more, so this week we’re talking with Chrissy S. & Alicia P!

Chrissy S. (Lake Tahoe, CA)


 “A few months prior (to these pictures) I was paddle boarding and someone took a pic. I saw it and signed up for the 7 day trial the very next day. Fast forward to my next beach vacation and I was finally comfortable chasing my kids around in a bikini because of Studio LB.”

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB?

I have been a member for just under a year. I typically follow the "Program" and practice five days a week. Okay, sometimes four but this forced stillness we are experiencing has been beneficial for me to fully commit 45-60 minutes to myself as often as possible. Starting my day with Studio LB affords me the ability to be whole for my children and my husband given the current state of 24/7 home life. 

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

My commitment and motivation has everything to do with the results. I usually get up at 6am to get my class in before my kids wake up. Otherwise, the day gets away from me and I struggle to get it done. If I miss the alarm (I have a teething one year old = some nights are rough) I invite my 3 year old to take the class with me during the baby's nap. We crack up together and I may have to pause on occasion (because snack breaks are life), but I get it done. In the past, it has always been easy for me to derail from my workout routine. I used to let life get in the way. When you extract the commute, structured studio schedules and added expenses there is no way to not get it done. I also make an extra effort for accountability to have some kind of challenge going on with my husband or a friend. Currently, my husband is training for a trail marathon and he is as regimented as they come. He follows a training schedule and on the days he runs I commit to a no-excuses Studio LB workout. 

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5? 

My no BS philosophy for myself: you're defeating the purpose if you're not giving these workout minutes your everything. For me, the beginner series was key to the method. It may seem elementary at times for veteran fitness guru's but a 10 in form is everything to achieving that burn and the desired results. I workout in front of a mirror to ensure my form is on point the whole time. It's almost as though I'm competing with myself when I'm able to see what I am doing. I have never worked out without a shirt on in a studio but it is important for me to see my body form and movements so a sports bra and (high waisted - amen) leggings are my uniform. This is one of the things I LOVE about this digital platform. My inner wallflower really shines. Another technique I find helpful is to video myself on my phone. It can be beneficial to see where I need to step up my game if I am struggling to nail a movement. I am far from coordinated so I have fun with the cardio and just keep moving and I give the sculpt my all, results guaranteed.


Alicia P. (Koloa, HI)

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB? 

I’ve been a member since August 2019. My typical schedule is:

  • Day 1 - Day 5: Studio LB

  • Day 6: Hike or Jog (or take LB outdoors)

  • Day 7: Yoga and Light stretching 

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

To stay committed and self motivated I have built a routine that works for me.

  1. Work out in the mornings. I am not a morning person by any means, but I know after a long day at work I will not be as motivated.

  2. Record my work outs. This helps me notice how much I’ve grown over time. In the beginning, I had to modify almost every work those calf pumps I struggled with come second nature!

  3. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood for a full body work out. Swapping out full length workouts for some of my favorite Quick Burn workouts keeps me from missing a work out entirely!

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5?

For me it’s knowing my body and understanding what I need that day! Weights or no weights? When I’m feeling low, I drop the weights and focus on listening to Lauren. When I’m high energy, I add the weights to push myself and make sure I’m giving it my all.

The results you get are directly related to the effort you put in. Do your best to feel and look your best! - Mahalo, Alicia 

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How are you guys feeling? Is your mood meh? Having a tough time getting your mind right? Our mind is our strongest muscle and worst enemy so we have to train it well. Quarantine is crazy and life gets in everyone's way, but you absolutely CAN reach your goals and achieve the results you want. Here are ten tips (and more) for when you can't seem to get your rear in gear, get out of your own head, or stay motivated. 

Prioritize. No time because you spend hours on your phone? Turn that time into active time. In the long run you'll be glad that you put your health first. Your body will thank you, too. 

Make a date with YOU. Schedule your workout just like you schedule your Zoom happy hours and honor that commitment. It's just as important. 

Write it down. Tracking your progress and setbacks is eye-opening and effective. Record how long you worked out, what workout you did, how you felt after. I always remind myself that I'm only 50 minutes away from a good mood and that always motivates me to just do it on days when I need a boost. 

Stay positive. Your body hears everything your mind thinks!

Imagine it. Visualize your results! Think about how you will look and feel after one month, six weeks, three months, six months, and one year. Results are the best motivational tool, so be sure to keep up with your own measurements and photos. 

Make yourself accountable. Going public with your story keeps you committed.  Tell your friends and family.

Don't get discouraged. It's important to make a long-term commitment, even if it means going without noticeable results for a week. Remember that you can't go wrong by eating whole foods and working out regularly (especially when it's fun). 

Find a few LB besties. Motivation flows both ways, and our community needs it as much as we all do individually. Reach out to the hotline, the Facebook group, or get with a friend on video and do Studio LB or walk together.

Reward yourself! I'm not talking about junk food. Each week that you accomplish your goals (maybe it's a certain number of workouts, following the schedule, or working out consistently at 6AM.

Treat yourself to something that inspires you to stick with it, like a new pair of jeans or a piece of jewelry. I recommend creating a point system. When you meet your goals, give yourself a point and record it. When you hit a certain amount of points, treat yourself to an activity that makes you feel great, such as a mani/pedi with friends or a massage.   

Activation. If you've gone on Activation with us, you know that Studio LB travels well! Get outside, have fun, and utilize your surroundings.

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A few things that have been making my life better the last 20 days. From the top left clockwise…

My bestie, Salvage Maria serape three layered face mask for provisioning, Saie Glowy Supergel and Glossier Skywash in Echo are all I need for off and on-camera (or Zoom)…really all I’m wearing beyond mascara in the top right pic. Joah Brown everything - They do sexy/sporty like no other and the quality and fit are unmatched. Studio LB is keeping me healthy, fit and sane, Bala Bangles for the walks and Studio LB, D-Nice Club Quarantine is my new going out, Hedley & Bennett Wake Up & Fight Mask by Ellen & Bob Cho for provisioning or when you don’t want to look medical. Aesop Resurrection Aromatique Hand Wash makes washing luxe and it’s worth every penny.

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I’ve always wanted to spread Cardio-Cheer-Sculpting world-wide but I created Studio LB because independent training transformed my body at many important times in my life. I’m a lover and a believer. My at-home training was what got me into killer shape and allowed me to become an SEC DIV 1-A athlete at the University of South Carolina, which btw, was no small feat for a girl from Jersey. I tried out with over 600 women from the south. Sure, we were all talented, and I was scouted, but these were girls who had cheered at a very high level their entire lives (think Netflix CHEER) and had been doing co-ed stunts long before I did. There was no NFL team in the Carolinas back then - We were it. I had always cheered all-girl and was always a base. The first time I was a flyer was at tryouts (got right up to hands on the first try) and I’d never done a layout or ran a < 6-min. mile. Both were mandatory. I learned really quickly and I believe that I made the 24 person coed squad (12 women and 12 men) because I had become so fit, empowered and confident …on my own, at home in my parents basement.

At-home fitness has been a huge part of my life since I was a child, long before I was a cheerleader, Pilates instructor, and created my own method. I love that digital fitness saves us time, money, and it can be way more personal than attending a class. I could literally go on and on about the benefits of digital fitness. However, one thing we don’t talk enough about is how to successfully make the transition from primarily exercising at gyms and fitness studios, to primarily exercising at home. The key is learning what works for you in terms of self-motivation and accountability.  At gyms or in class, people tend to find their motivation because someone else is watching, or you may show up for your workout because you’ll be charged if you skip it. These motivational factors aren’t relevant w/ digital fitness so you need to change your mindset. A few tips from me:

  • Set achievable goals and tackle them one at a time.

  • Take progress pictures. Seeing your results is one of the biggest ways to self-motivate.

  • Use a mirror so you can see yourself. This is so important! Your form will be better which equates to RESULTS and you’ll work 100% harder, which again = results. You’ll also develop a deeper connection with YOU.

  • Utilize the weekly schedules. I create the weekly content to work together so that you’re balanced, always challenging yourself and achieving the best results.

  • Remember your “Why” and remind yourself of this every time you workout. Your “Why” is fluid —It should change as you change.

  • Create a dedicated area for your Studio LB in your home complete with a mood board and progress pictures of yourself. Live your brand - Get into it and make it all about you!

  • Check in with yourself during each workout. Are you simply going through the motions or are you working as hard as you would be if I were in the room with you?

  • Get into a routine. whether you work out first thing in the morning or right after work. Find a time that works for you and stick with it.

  • Check-In with us on the hotline! Text me and the team on the hotline and tell me what workout you’re doing, or create a workout schedule with a friend.  If you share your plan w/ others, you’ll be more likely to hold yourself accountable.

  • Record yourself. This is a great way to check your form, and you may work harder knowing someone could see that video. 

Everyone has different ways to self-motivate, so we also reached out to some Studio LB pros to share their tips with you. Here’s what Katie, Lindsay & Danielle have to say!

Katie K.

Hi Ladies, Katie here! Some of you may have seen me in Studio LB workouts, or have talked to me on the hotline, or via email.  I’m one in our small but mighty team of four. Since we launched Studio LB, I have become a die-hard and have been exclusively working out at home, except for the occasional Yoga class or Activation workouts.  Yet, before Studio LB, the majority of my workouts took place in fitness studios. Over the last 3.5 years I’ve become so thankful for the ability to get a kickass workout without leaving my home, and given the circumstances I’m more thankful than ever that Studio LB was already part of my routine.  I love that I don’t have to waste time getting to the gym, packing up a shower bag, dealing with traffic. I don’t worry about getting charged a late fee or losing a class. If I’m not feeling cardio, I can easily do a sculpting workout or vice versa. Plus, I can do it from anywhere, whether that’s my living room, at a park or on a boat dock. But, mostly I love it, because it saves me so much time. I have time to stretch or add on a 30 min yoga video. I also have more time to for my morning routine and to make sure I give my pup some proper exercise. I can’t ever imagine becoming a regular gym user again, mostly for the sake of time and cost, but also because I have digital access to some of the best trainers and yoga teachers in the world.

Many of our new Studio LB members, and most of the world has recently made the switch from gyms and fitness studios to digital workouts. I also, remember when I first made the switch and what it was like during the transition phase. I personally, used to be extremely motivated to work hard b/c someone was watching me, or to show up for the class because someone would know (and charge me) if I didn’t. It takes a bit of time to learn new ways to self-motivate and hold yourself accountable, but once you learn what works for you, there are so many benefits to digital fitness and you may find you’ll never want to go back to the gym.

Here are some things that help me self-motivate and work my hardest during the workouts:

  • I try to work out first thing in the morning.  I’m a night owl by nature, so mornings are tough for me, but as the day goes on I find more things get in the way.  If I miss my morning workout, I try to make sure I find someway to move later in the day- even if it’s just a 10-min QB during lunch or before dinner.

  • It’s easy to go through the motions if you’re not paying attention. Multiple times during each workout I try to tune-in and ask myself if I’m working as hard as if I were on camera or in Lauren’s presence. I almost always can go a little lower, lift a little heavier, tighten up my form, & sharpen my movements.

  • I try not to take any breaks. If Lauren stops to talk and explain  something, I always keep going.  I’ll also pause the video or rewind to add in a few extra reps if I feel like I was fumbling through cardio or my form wasn’t on point. 

  • I record a lot of my workouts.  Usually it’s just for me, but I always work harder knowing there’s a chance I’ll post part of it to IG or send it to Lauren. 

  • I usually follow the schedule, but I also listen to my body.  If cardio is on the schedule but I’m craving sculpt, I’ll swap the days around. I find it’s a lot easier to work at a 10 when I’m up for it mentally. 

Lindsay M.

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB?

It's been so long it's hard to remember! I think I officially joined Studio LB in April of 2017. 

I usually follow the full length schedule, six (ok, sometimes seven) days a week. I will swap in a Quick Burn or stack a few Quick Burns in if I have early meetings, am traveling, or just not up to a full length workout. I work out first thing in the morning, so limiting decisions helps to make sure I get going! 

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

  • No snoozing. It's a slippery slope. I set two alarms at 6:35 and 6:50 to make sure I get moving by 7. I'm a morning person, and know that no matter what I tell myself I won't work out after a long day at work. (Not gonna lie though, sometimes I lie in bed and read the workout description on the blog repeatedly before getting up.)

  • If I'm not really feeling it, I pick one of my favorite Quick Burns, usually a Standing Abs or Flow, to get myself moving. I usually end up feeling motivated and, if I have time, add another favorite QB that suits my mood and available time for the day. I do try for at least 40 minutes a day.

  • When I'm traveling, I usually do favorite workouts in my room or in the gym (Rocky is one of my hotel gym favorites). Quick Burns are easier for me to get motivated for an in-room workout, and Standing Abs are great for limited space. 

  • If I'm REALLY not feeling it, or am stressed about getting to work on time, I take a rest day. I know rest days are important... but on days that I want to workout, I do, so that I can take real rest days when needed and not stress about it.

  • I also used to write each workout down on a calendar so I could look back at all the workouts and QBs that I'd done and star ones that I liked. I just follow the schedule now, but when getting started, seeing that you did x number of workouts a week can be really rewarding.

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5? 

Definitely having a mirror. I have a cheap wall mirror that I prop up for my workouts - it really is a game-changer. I'm all about form and Lauren's cues, so having the mirror is helpful to maintain proper form and for inspiration, like when I glimpse new muscle tone or notice how crazy sweaty I've gotten (TMI?). 

If I'm feeling lower energy, I might drop down the weights or skip them to focus 100% on proper form. It feels mentally easier to keep going and is challenging in a different way. Or, I'll make sure I'm using heavier weights to up the burn during sculpting sections, for instance, if my cardio stamina is down. For me, it's really about knowing how I feel and what kind of movement will suit my mood and physical state. 


Danielle W.

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB? 

I’ve been a Studio LB member since its inception, however, I’ve had two babies since then (two kids in three years) so I’ve stopped and started a bit. After my second child in April 2019, I was determined to get back into shape, so I started working out 4-5 days a week depending on what the week looks like. Lauren gave me weekly schedules made for me (which was awesome) and now I’ve been DIY for a few months now.  

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

I have no idea how I stay motivated, there are so many days where I’d rather do anything than exercise. BUT I want to look my best and having two kids under three years old…I’ve got to keep my stamina at peak as much as possible. I’ve worked out through some of the lowest lows of my life this year and so many times I really just wanted to give up. But no matter what, when I’m done, it’s always worth it. 

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5?

With my workouts the proof really is in the effort. I add 2 lb. ankle weights to almost every cardio + sculpt and lift heavy with most sculpt workouts. When I feel pain I always lean off the add-ons and focus on other areas. My biggest change came when I ripped my shirt off and started exercising in only a bra and leggings. I have so much puffiness still from my second (she’s 11 months) but I didn’t care - It forced me to suck in at the gym and keep my core engaged. I can almost see that line down my stomach even with some abdominal separation lingering. You get out what you put in…end of story. 

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Quick Burn Workouts, Results Jillian Crean Quick Burn Workouts, Results Jillian Crean



Ever have one of those days where you’re bursting with energy but seriously short on hours in the day? It can be easy to completely bail on your workout if you don’t have a full 50 minutes to dedicate to Studio LB, so I put together a few awesome Quick Burn workouts from the past few months you may have missed that you can complete in half an hour or less on busy days. These are some of my favorites that pack a big punch and maximize results in minimal time.


This is a 28 minute Cardio and Core Sculpt using heavy weights and loops. Your hamstrings, quads and glutes will be firing on all cylinders. While 28 minutes seems speedy, moves like curtsy lunges with resistance loop above the knee and weights on your shoulders torch calories and hit multiple large muscle groups to max out your fat-burning potential. This one is on YouTube too if you haven’t subscribed yet to my program!

Cherry On Top

Springtime means swapping out snuggly sweaters for a some sleeveless options, and this 16 minute upper body workout is a total confidence booster when it comes to showing off your arms. You’ll be heel digging, chest pressing, curling, rowing and more to hit your upper body from all angles. Since this one is so quick, great form is key to getting sculpted upper body results. Try to keep your arms up during the entire crazy arms series at the end!


The quick burn version of Snatched is 19 minutes of pure standing abs and your waist will be visibly cinched if you give it your all. Make sure to get your butt super low while in wide second and exhale each time with purpose, knitting your ribs together. Snatched is the perfect example of sculpting as cardio too. If you use an Apple Watch or fitness tracker you’ll notice your heart rate gets a great boost.


A bootybrow is that sexy crease between your bum and thigh, and just like your eyebrows your bootybrows have to be sculpted and on point. This is a 23 minute sculpting workout using mid- to heavy weights and Studio LB loops really focuses on that gluteal-hamstring connection to give you a boost. The playlist on this one is also so great, so you’ll groove your way through the bridge sequence. If you’ve ever doubted that a grounded workout can be intense, try this one and text me the next day when you walk up a flight of stairs.

So next time you’re feeling the time crunch but still want to get in a good sweat, try one of these Quick Burns out! Let me know some of your favorite recent workouts over on our Facebook page too.

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Studio LB, Results, Before & After lauren boggi Studio LB, Results, Before & After lauren boggi



Hanna (above) at 39 wks pregnant & 11 wks post-partum wrote in…

“Hi Lauren! I wanted to send thanks & love your way. 4 years ago my husband and I started trying for a baby. Over the course of that time we experienced 4 losses, months of negative tests, countless failed procedures, you name it. (I remember your blog about your path to motherhood so I know you know how lonely and isolating it can be). During that time I felt like I lost so much of myself and everything revolved around doing what was best to get pregnant. One of the things that remained consistent though and truly one of the only things that made me feel like “me” was the 50 min. I spent every day doing your workout. I modified everything to keep it grounded and made some substitutions where I had to, but it was so doable and really brought me back to my old self. I honestly don’t know that I would’ve survived mentally without it.

The happy news is that 11 weeks ago I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I continued Studio LB throughout my entire pregnancy until the day I was induced. At 4 weeks I started to slowly add in your workouts and again they have truly helped keep me sane as I navigate new motherhood. I was worried about Diastasis recti b/c of my short torso / small build. I also have heard so many horror stories about pelvic floor issues after pregnancy (can’t tell you how many people said I would want to switch workouts bc I’d be peeing myself when jumping) - but I’m happy to report neither of those have been issues for me. I credit this to you - you’re constantly reminding us to pull up on our pelvic floor and pull our abs in and I think that has made all the difference. Anyways - Just wanted you to know I appreciate you and what you’ve created for us. Sending a before / after (39 weeks pregnant vs. today at 1 day shy of 11 weeks postpartum) thank you!!” ❤️❤️

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Sex, Studio LB, Results, Beauty lauren boggi Sex, Studio LB, Results, Beauty lauren boggi



In working with thousands of women over the last two decades, an overwhelming majority tell me they’re unhappy with the number on the scale. While I understand weight is a personal priority for many, it’s not always the best indicator of overall health. This week I’m interested in talking about a few non-scale victories (NSV) I’ve heard from you that can act as a barometer for your fitness and health progress. 

Broadly, a NSV is a health achievement that has nothing to do with your actual physical weight on the scale. Here are a few NSVs some of you have achieved and shared with me over time working the Studio LB program:

Increased Stamina and Strength

So yes this sounds almost more basic than Ugg boots and a PSL in October, but feeling harder, better, faster, stronger is such an ego boost. Studio LB users message me on the hotline (424-327-5470) when they can complete an entire CCS sequence without modifying or when their definition of “heavy weights” slowly changes from 5 or 8 pounds up to 10 or 12. As you work The Program or Quick Burns as laid out in my weekly calendars, every session emphasizes core strength, muscle balance, and stability as its foundation so you will incrementally grow your strength and cardio capacity. This strength and stamina has so many real world applications that can enhance your personal and professional life.

Better Sex

Your bra straps aren’t cutting into your back, sides, or shoulders and you know your buns are lifted high and tight after approximately one million Loop bridges. Feeling yourself and enjoying the way you exist in your naked body is key to being more open with a sexual partner and more open to accepting pleasure. Plus, increased blood flow from cardio coupled with a stronger core both contribute to stronger orgasms. More and better sex is a great NSV in my book.

Clothes Don’t Lie

One of my favorite things to hear from y’all is when your favorite pair of jeans slides on and buttons easily. I’m talking about the ones without even an iota of Spandex, maybe from like 1999, and they fit like a glove. Maybe your weight has remained steady, or even increased in some cases, but your shape has totally transformed. I feel like a broken record suggesting writing down your measurements monthly and taking before and after photos, but it’s an amazing and accurate way to track your progress regardless of your weight.

Let me know what drives you to stay consistent with Studio LB workouts and any NSVs you’ve celebrated along your fitness journey! I love seeing all of your posts on our Facebook page and in my DMs on Instagram.

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Schedules, Results lauren boggi Schedules, Results lauren boggi

Following the Schedules

What does your Sunday morning look like? If it’s all sleeping in and bottomless brunch, I’m so jealous and equal parts hate/love you. If it’s always family obligations with your in-laws you can barely tolerate, God speed, I do not envy you. If it’s already getting a jumpstart on your Monday work load and grocery shopping to meal prep... same, girl, same. 

I ask because Sunday evening into Monday morning is when you generally get your weekly “Hi” from me in your inbox with your prescribed workout schedule. During the prior week I’ve planned and produced your weekly content, but Sunday nights into Monday morning are when I get to share with you what’s coming up on your schedule and that gives me butterflies. Will you like it? Will you do the whole workout each time? Did you feel it in your hamstrings like I did??

So it may seem like I’m just cranking out two longer and two shorter workouts per week, but I promise there is a method to my madness and a purpose for the schedules I give you weekly. I wanted to share a little insight of what goes into The Program and Quick Burn schedules, and encourage you to follow my suggestions for the next few weeks to really see radical changes in your body.

First and foremost, I plot out the week to optimize muscle balance. Even when a week has a specific focus, like last week we targeted upper body and back, you’ll still be seeing total body work to hit your core, lower body, etc. A balanced body is a happy one, and for many people the first sign of a muscle imbalance is joint or muscle aches (different from soreness). 

My programming develops your opposing muscles in harmony to properly support your body. To be honest, the only way you could end up with muscle imbalance from Studio LB is if you do everything on your right side, and then decide to bail on the second half of your workout!

The other key to following The Program schedules is alternating Cardio and Sculpting, while building in a Quick Burn or two and a rest day. The Quick Burn schedules also alternate between higher cardio and heavier weight sculpting day to day, just in a more condensed fashion. Almost every week I’ll kick you off on Mondays with cardio to set the tone for the week - it’s a great day to amp up your heart rate and challenge your mind/body connection with CCS choreography.

Finally, please don’t forget your rest day at the end of each week. Training six days a week is definitely enough, and our bodies need a day to restore. While we train we’re building strength, endurance and muscle and on that rest day our bodies’ connective tissue has a chance to rebuild. Taking a rest day can help you avoid mental and physical burn out, and also avoid any muscle strains or even stress fractures from overuse. Make sure to take a break and gear up for the week ahead!

Try it out for the next few weeks sticking to either The Program or Quick Burn schedule, and I want to hear your feedback on whether it makes a noticeable change in how you feel and look. Hit me on the Studio LB hotline with any questions 424-327-5470.

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Studio LB, Results, Extra, Quick Burn Workouts lauren boggi Studio LB, Results, Extra, Quick Burn Workouts lauren boggi

Upper Body in less than 30


It’s upper body week! We’re just shy of our 500 workout mark and there are so many gems in the library. If you’re looking for a little extra pop while working everything in under 30-minutes, I recommend searching:

Quick Burn: 28-min Atomic (Cardio Core & Arms)

Quick Burn: 20-min Cardio Abs & Arms

Quick Burn: 19-min Poppy

Quick Burn: 14-min High Summer Arms

Quick Burn: 10-min Dbl Banded Arms & Core

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