We love when you share with us! Read SLB member, Jenna’s story of progress and self-love during the pandemic

This week marks 1 yr training SLB: 6 days a week + 12 months = 30lbs and 21.5” gone.

The past year has definitely been a journey of self-love and self-care, something I had neglected for far too long. I had prioritized everything and everyone ahead of myself. Ever since my kids were born, I struggled with the ever-elusive work-life balance. It always seemed that it was work or the family, but never enough time to focus on me. So when the lockdowns began in mid-March 2020 and despite the chaotic world around me, I realized I was being given a golden opportunity. What I learned in those early days of the pandemic is that the only thing you can control is yourself. I was working from home, all the kids activities were cancelled and we were homebound. There were Z E R O excuses for why I couldn’t focus on me. So I turned to something that helped me recover from injuries over a decade ago when we lived in Philly. And it has been one of the B E S T decisions I’ve made during quarantine.

My original why was because I could no longer wear my wedding and engagement rings because I had gained so much weight, they were getting stuck on my finger. After two months, I had achieved that goal and ever since, my whys keep transforming and pushing me to think about what I truly want. And while I love that I’ve lost weight, I realize that the number on the scale is just that – a number. It doesn’t define me.

I’ve learned the importance of prioritizing myself.

I understand the need to be selfish sometimes.

I understand the need for self-care.

I’ve regained my confidence.

Because if I don’t focus on myself, there’s no way I can be 100% for the people who need me the most.

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SEVEN DAYS to vertical, musculoskeletal balance, -12.08”, and a healthier 🌱 diet. Meet @bootsycollins810 from Philly. This was B’s 9th Activation with me and she is always my favorite postural analysis/people to “fix”...I swear that I do not make anyone stand wonky on day one!

We work from the inside out and my goal is always to balance her muscularly and take the edge off the bulk/mass. This lighting is not ideal but check out the space between her arms and her bikini bottoms. And her back! 🤯 Betsy has a stunning body and builds muscle easily. She works really hard, and is always up for HH & another workout. Betsy began her fitness journey with me back at Lithe. She currently takes group classes at @rippedphl, does personal training and also fits in Studio LB. Tbh, I can’t imagine a retreat without her. Swipe on IG for her results last year 12 wks post labral hip repair and us three years ago in Little Corn, Nicaragua.

Betsy is strong, very fit, and loves to be challenged on the beach and in-studio. Her challenges are relaxing her traps and balancing her back and hip mobility during core/floor work. Betsy lost 12.08 inches and I love that her entire body is much more balanced on day seven. I cant say that we always see eye to eye on rest days, but I get her type of ‘crazy’ and we have a great working relationship. I adore you, B! Can’t wait for the next one.

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One thing we don’t talk enough about is how to successfully make the transition from primarily exercising at gyms and fitness studios, to primarily exercising at home. The key is learning what works for you in terms of self-motivation and accountability.  At gyms or in class, people tend to find their motivation because someone else is watching, or you may show up for your workout because you’ll be charged if you skip it. These motivational factors aren’t relevant w/ digital fitness so you need to change your mindset. Recently, I shared a few tips from myself as well as some of our long time members. Many of you reached out asking for more, so this week we’re talking with Chrissy S. & Alicia P!

Chrissy S. (Lake Tahoe, CA)


 “A few months prior (to these pictures) I was paddle boarding and someone took a pic. I saw it and signed up for the 7 day trial the very next day. Fast forward to my next beach vacation and I was finally comfortable chasing my kids around in a bikini because of Studio LB.”

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB?

I have been a member for just under a year. I typically follow the "Program" and practice five days a week. Okay, sometimes four but this forced stillness we are experiencing has been beneficial for me to fully commit 45-60 minutes to myself as often as possible. Starting my day with Studio LB affords me the ability to be whole for my children and my husband given the current state of 24/7 home life. 

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

My commitment and motivation has everything to do with the results. I usually get up at 6am to get my class in before my kids wake up. Otherwise, the day gets away from me and I struggle to get it done. If I miss the alarm (I have a teething one year old = some nights are rough) I invite my 3 year old to take the class with me during the baby's nap. We crack up together and I may have to pause on occasion (because snack breaks are life), but I get it done. In the past, it has always been easy for me to derail from my workout routine. I used to let life get in the way. When you extract the commute, structured studio schedules and added expenses there is no way to not get it done. I also make an extra effort for accountability to have some kind of challenge going on with my husband or a friend. Currently, my husband is training for a trail marathon and he is as regimented as they come. He follows a training schedule and on the days he runs I commit to a no-excuses Studio LB workout. 

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5? 

My no BS philosophy for myself: you're defeating the purpose if you're not giving these workout minutes your everything. For me, the beginner series was key to the method. It may seem elementary at times for veteran fitness guru's but a 10 in form is everything to achieving that burn and the desired results. I workout in front of a mirror to ensure my form is on point the whole time. It's almost as though I'm competing with myself when I'm able to see what I am doing. I have never worked out without a shirt on in a studio but it is important for me to see my body form and movements so a sports bra and (high waisted - amen) leggings are my uniform. This is one of the things I LOVE about this digital platform. My inner wallflower really shines. Another technique I find helpful is to video myself on my phone. It can be beneficial to see where I need to step up my game if I am struggling to nail a movement. I am far from coordinated so I have fun with the cardio and just keep moving and I give the sculpt my all, results guaranteed.


Alicia P. (Koloa, HI)

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB? 

I’ve been a member since August 2019. My typical schedule is:

  • Day 1 - Day 5: Studio LB

  • Day 6: Hike or Jog (or take LB outdoors)

  • Day 7: Yoga and Light stretching 

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

To stay committed and self motivated I have built a routine that works for me.

  1. Work out in the mornings. I am not a morning person by any means, but I know after a long day at work I will not be as motivated.

  2. Record my work outs. This helps me notice how much I’ve grown over time. In the beginning, I had to modify almost every work those calf pumps I struggled with come second nature!

  3. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood for a full body work out. Swapping out full length workouts for some of my favorite Quick Burn workouts keeps me from missing a work out entirely!

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5?

For me it’s knowing my body and understanding what I need that day! Weights or no weights? When I’m feeling low, I drop the weights and focus on listening to Lauren. When I’m high energy, I add the weights to push myself and make sure I’m giving it my all.

The results you get are directly related to the effort you put in. Do your best to feel and look your best! - Mahalo, Alicia 

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I’ve always wanted to spread Cardio-Cheer-Sculpting world-wide but I created Studio LB because independent training transformed my body at many important times in my life. I’m a lover and a believer. My at-home training was what got me into killer shape and allowed me to become an SEC DIV 1-A athlete at the University of South Carolina, which btw, was no small feat for a girl from Jersey. I tried out with over 600 women from the south. Sure, we were all talented, and I was scouted, but these were girls who had cheered at a very high level their entire lives (think Netflix CHEER) and had been doing co-ed stunts long before I did. There was no NFL team in the Carolinas back then - We were it. I had always cheered all-girl and was always a base. The first time I was a flyer was at tryouts (got right up to hands on the first try) and I’d never done a layout or ran a < 6-min. mile. Both were mandatory. I learned really quickly and I believe that I made the 24 person coed squad (12 women and 12 men) because I had become so fit, empowered and confident …on my own, at home in my parents basement.

At-home fitness has been a huge part of my life since I was a child, long before I was a cheerleader, Pilates instructor, and created my own method. I love that digital fitness saves us time, money, and it can be way more personal than attending a class. I could literally go on and on about the benefits of digital fitness. However, one thing we don’t talk enough about is how to successfully make the transition from primarily exercising at gyms and fitness studios, to primarily exercising at home. The key is learning what works for you in terms of self-motivation and accountability.  At gyms or in class, people tend to find their motivation because someone else is watching, or you may show up for your workout because you’ll be charged if you skip it. These motivational factors aren’t relevant w/ digital fitness so you need to change your mindset. A few tips from me:

  • Set achievable goals and tackle them one at a time.

  • Take progress pictures. Seeing your results is one of the biggest ways to self-motivate.

  • Use a mirror so you can see yourself. This is so important! Your form will be better which equates to RESULTS and you’ll work 100% harder, which again = results. You’ll also develop a deeper connection with YOU.

  • Utilize the weekly schedules. I create the weekly content to work together so that you’re balanced, always challenging yourself and achieving the best results.

  • Remember your “Why” and remind yourself of this every time you workout. Your “Why” is fluid —It should change as you change.

  • Create a dedicated area for your Studio LB in your home complete with a mood board and progress pictures of yourself. Live your brand - Get into it and make it all about you!

  • Check in with yourself during each workout. Are you simply going through the motions or are you working as hard as you would be if I were in the room with you?

  • Get into a routine. whether you work out first thing in the morning or right after work. Find a time that works for you and stick with it.

  • Check-In with us on the hotline! Text me and the team on the hotline and tell me what workout you’re doing, or create a workout schedule with a friend.  If you share your plan w/ others, you’ll be more likely to hold yourself accountable.

  • Record yourself. This is a great way to check your form, and you may work harder knowing someone could see that video. 

Everyone has different ways to self-motivate, so we also reached out to some Studio LB pros to share their tips with you. Here’s what Katie, Lindsay & Danielle have to say!

Katie K.

Hi Ladies, Katie here! Some of you may have seen me in Studio LB workouts, or have talked to me on the hotline, or via email.  I’m one in our small but mighty team of four. Since we launched Studio LB, I have become a die-hard and have been exclusively working out at home, except for the occasional Yoga class or Activation workouts.  Yet, before Studio LB, the majority of my workouts took place in fitness studios. Over the last 3.5 years I’ve become so thankful for the ability to get a kickass workout without leaving my home, and given the circumstances I’m more thankful than ever that Studio LB was already part of my routine.  I love that I don’t have to waste time getting to the gym, packing up a shower bag, dealing with traffic. I don’t worry about getting charged a late fee or losing a class. If I’m not feeling cardio, I can easily do a sculpting workout or vice versa. Plus, I can do it from anywhere, whether that’s my living room, at a park or on a boat dock. But, mostly I love it, because it saves me so much time. I have time to stretch or add on a 30 min yoga video. I also have more time to for my morning routine and to make sure I give my pup some proper exercise. I can’t ever imagine becoming a regular gym user again, mostly for the sake of time and cost, but also because I have digital access to some of the best trainers and yoga teachers in the world.

Many of our new Studio LB members, and most of the world has recently made the switch from gyms and fitness studios to digital workouts. I also, remember when I first made the switch and what it was like during the transition phase. I personally, used to be extremely motivated to work hard b/c someone was watching me, or to show up for the class because someone would know (and charge me) if I didn’t. It takes a bit of time to learn new ways to self-motivate and hold yourself accountable, but once you learn what works for you, there are so many benefits to digital fitness and you may find you’ll never want to go back to the gym.

Here are some things that help me self-motivate and work my hardest during the workouts:

  • I try to work out first thing in the morning.  I’m a night owl by nature, so mornings are tough for me, but as the day goes on I find more things get in the way.  If I miss my morning workout, I try to make sure I find someway to move later in the day- even if it’s just a 10-min QB during lunch or before dinner.

  • It’s easy to go through the motions if you’re not paying attention. Multiple times during each workout I try to tune-in and ask myself if I’m working as hard as if I were on camera or in Lauren’s presence. I almost always can go a little lower, lift a little heavier, tighten up my form, & sharpen my movements.

  • I try not to take any breaks. If Lauren stops to talk and explain  something, I always keep going.  I’ll also pause the video or rewind to add in a few extra reps if I feel like I was fumbling through cardio or my form wasn’t on point. 

  • I record a lot of my workouts.  Usually it’s just for me, but I always work harder knowing there’s a chance I’ll post part of it to IG or send it to Lauren. 

  • I usually follow the schedule, but I also listen to my body.  If cardio is on the schedule but I’m craving sculpt, I’ll swap the days around. I find it’s a lot easier to work at a 10 when I’m up for it mentally. 

Lindsay M.

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB?

It's been so long it's hard to remember! I think I officially joined Studio LB in April of 2017. 

I usually follow the full length schedule, six (ok, sometimes seven) days a week. I will swap in a Quick Burn or stack a few Quick Burns in if I have early meetings, am traveling, or just not up to a full length workout. I work out first thing in the morning, so limiting decisions helps to make sure I get going! 

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

  • No snoozing. It's a slippery slope. I set two alarms at 6:35 and 6:50 to make sure I get moving by 7. I'm a morning person, and know that no matter what I tell myself I won't work out after a long day at work. (Not gonna lie though, sometimes I lie in bed and read the workout description on the blog repeatedly before getting up.)

  • If I'm not really feeling it, I pick one of my favorite Quick Burns, usually a Standing Abs or Flow, to get myself moving. I usually end up feeling motivated and, if I have time, add another favorite QB that suits my mood and available time for the day. I do try for at least 40 minutes a day.

  • When I'm traveling, I usually do favorite workouts in my room or in the gym (Rocky is one of my hotel gym favorites). Quick Burns are easier for me to get motivated for an in-room workout, and Standing Abs are great for limited space. 

  • If I'm REALLY not feeling it, or am stressed about getting to work on time, I take a rest day. I know rest days are important... but on days that I want to workout, I do, so that I can take real rest days when needed and not stress about it.

  • I also used to write each workout down on a calendar so I could look back at all the workouts and QBs that I'd done and star ones that I liked. I just follow the schedule now, but when getting started, seeing that you did x number of workouts a week can be really rewarding.

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5? 

Definitely having a mirror. I have a cheap wall mirror that I prop up for my workouts - it really is a game-changer. I'm all about form and Lauren's cues, so having the mirror is helpful to maintain proper form and for inspiration, like when I glimpse new muscle tone or notice how crazy sweaty I've gotten (TMI?). 

If I'm feeling lower energy, I might drop down the weights or skip them to focus 100% on proper form. It feels mentally easier to keep going and is challenging in a different way. Or, I'll make sure I'm using heavier weights to up the burn during sculpting sections, for instance, if my cardio stamina is down. For me, it's really about knowing how I feel and what kind of movement will suit my mood and physical state. 


Danielle W.

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB? 

I’ve been a Studio LB member since its inception, however, I’ve had two babies since then (two kids in three years) so I’ve stopped and started a bit. After my second child in April 2019, I was determined to get back into shape, so I started working out 4-5 days a week depending on what the week looks like. Lauren gave me weekly schedules made for me (which was awesome) and now I’ve been DIY for a few months now.  

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

I have no idea how I stay motivated, there are so many days where I’d rather do anything than exercise. BUT I want to look my best and having two kids under three years old…I’ve got to keep my stamina at peak as much as possible. I’ve worked out through some of the lowest lows of my life this year and so many times I really just wanted to give up. But no matter what, when I’m done, it’s always worth it. 

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5?

With my workouts the proof really is in the effort. I add 2 lb. ankle weights to almost every cardio + sculpt and lift heavy with most sculpt workouts. When I feel pain I always lean off the add-ons and focus on other areas. My biggest change came when I ripped my shirt off and started exercising in only a bra and leggings. I have so much puffiness still from my second (she’s 11 months) but I didn’t care - It forced me to suck in at the gym and keep my core engaged. I can almost see that line down my stomach even with some abdominal separation lingering. You get out what you put in…end of story. 

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Studio LB, Results, Before & After lauren boggi Studio LB, Results, Before & After lauren boggi



Hanna (above) at 39 wks pregnant & 11 wks post-partum wrote in…

“Hi Lauren! I wanted to send thanks & love your way. 4 years ago my husband and I started trying for a baby. Over the course of that time we experienced 4 losses, months of negative tests, countless failed procedures, you name it. (I remember your blog about your path to motherhood so I know you know how lonely and isolating it can be). During that time I felt like I lost so much of myself and everything revolved around doing what was best to get pregnant. One of the things that remained consistent though and truly one of the only things that made me feel like “me” was the 50 min. I spent every day doing your workout. I modified everything to keep it grounded and made some substitutions where I had to, but it was so doable and really brought me back to my old self. I honestly don’t know that I would’ve survived mentally without it.

The happy news is that 11 weeks ago I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I continued Studio LB throughout my entire pregnancy until the day I was induced. At 4 weeks I started to slowly add in your workouts and again they have truly helped keep me sane as I navigate new motherhood. I was worried about Diastasis recti b/c of my short torso / small build. I also have heard so many horror stories about pelvic floor issues after pregnancy (can’t tell you how many people said I would want to switch workouts bc I’d be peeing myself when jumping) - but I’m happy to report neither of those have been issues for me. I credit this to you - you’re constantly reminding us to pull up on our pelvic floor and pull our abs in and I think that has made all the difference. Anyways - Just wanted you to know I appreciate you and what you’ve created for us. Sending a before / after (39 weeks pregnant vs. today at 1 day shy of 11 weeks postpartum) thank you!!” ❤️❤️

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Before & After, Results, Studio LB lauren boggi Before & After, Results, Studio LB lauren boggi



I wanted to share Amanda’s inspiring progress with you guys after two months of Studio LB. I’m so proud of her! She emailed and said, “I had a wake up call in March when dad snapped a picture of me at work. I’ve never weighed myself on a regular basis and hadn’t been one to be watchful of my diet but when I saw this picture, I knew I needed a lifestyle change! I weighed myself in at 157 and did Whole30 in April. This definitely jumpstarted my journey. I dropped down to 140 but knew that changing my diet was not going to be enough (at least not enough for me to feel proud of my body) so I texted my friend, Nikki to get the name of the women she always raved about!

Here’s me on April 30th before starting The Program and Me this morning (9 pounds lighter and so toned!!!!!!). I love your workouts! How do you always know what to say to me to get me to push harder and never give up?!? You have helped me feel so proud of everything I’ve accomplished the past two months. I love the messages and encouragement (and tough love) you deliver on my iPad each week. I have so much more energy and body positivity. I’m also constantly surprised by how much more I can do each week. Can’t wait to see what else this summer brings. Thank you for being my cheerleader.”

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Nikki's Activation Transformation


Meet Nikki from the Philly area! Third Activation with me, now girlfriends for life. Nikki strictly practices Studio LB and regularly hits the 200+ minute list weekly, but was in a slump (for her) falling in the 100-200 min. range leading up to Activation. She decided to register for Sayulita a few weeks before we left becuase she was really struggling with motivation. It worked, giving her that push she needed.

Nikki’s strong, dedicated, coordinated, very fit, and loves to be challenged in-studio. Her challenges are tight hips and RUNNING...pretty sure she hates it and also hates ME when I make her do it 😝. Nikki lost 8 inches and I love that her entire body has leaned out and is more defined on day seven. Swipe to see her results just a few weeks post-Activation. Nikki, I love watching you progress every year and I can’t wait for the next one. Love you! 

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Betsy's Activation Transformation


This beauty is vertical and is always my favorite postural analysis. I swear that I do not make anyone stand wonky on day one! Guys, meet Betsy from Philly. Eighth retreat with me. Heart of gold. Always up for happy hour & another workout. Betsy began her fitness journey with me back in the day at Lithe and now she does group classes at Ripped Phl, personal training, and also fits in Studio LB. Honestly, I can’t imagine a retreat without her (head over to Lithe Escape to see pics through the years).

This was Betsy’s second retreat 12 wks post-op labral hip repair. We view Activation as part of her recovery. She’s strong, very fit, and loves to be challenged on the beach and in-studio. Her challenges are keeping her traps and mind out/in of the game and balancing her back and hip mobility during core/floor work. Betsy lost 6 inches and I love that her entire body is much more balanced on day seven. I cant say that we always see eye to eye re: rest days , but I get her type of ‘crazy’ and we have a great working relationship. I adore you, B!

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Before & After, Results, Studio LB lauren boggi Before & After, Results, Studio LB lauren boggi



I want to preface this by saying that I’ve been doing these retreats for over a decade & this is my most meaningful transformation story to date. Meet Nicole from Philly! She works in wealth management, is a mom to grown twins & also is a g-mom. Y’all, I adore this woman SO much. Salt. Of. The. Earth and so much fun. You can see what Nicole achieved (she lost 12” in 7 days) but swipe right to see her 14 days later...she’s LITERALLY a new woman. Initially I was a little concerned b/c I don’t like to “bootcamp” people, but I knew Nicole would see mental/physical changes even if she participated in less than half of the workouts. Prior to Activation she had never trained with me and hadn’t worked out regularly in years. Also, she’s not into fish or veggies but she was there for it ALL. The most amazing thing is that Nicole gave up a Wawa coffee and creamer ☕️ addiction while on Activation. Actually, she didn’t have coffee at all in Mexico (mind-blowing). It takes so much tenacity, willpower, and mental fortitude to go from zero to 13 miles of movement in a day/20 hours in 1 week but she kept pushing. Nicole, we got the ball rolling and I’m so proud of you and happy for you. I know you feel as amazing as you look.

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Lauren's Activation Transformation

Meet the beautiful Lauren from Philly! This was Lauren’s 4th retreat with me where she regained deep core strength and lost 8.875” in 7 days. She’s a busy attorney who takes weekly Barre 3 classes and just recommitted to her Studio LB practice. She has incredible form, FOCUS and body awareness. We worked to make her workouts and movement more dynamic, more impactful and full-body. Since Activation she has been running three miles a day (I’m so proud of you!). We also strengthened her lats and thoracic spine and you can see how her posture has improved in just one week. She’s much more open through the chest and shoulders. Lauren, you look FANTASTIC 

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Meet Cat from LA! Cat lost 11” (11.6875” to be exact) and gained so much physical and mental strength in just 7 days. She’s a busy professional who fits in weekly Soulcycle, private Pilates sessions, Studio LB Quick Burn workouts & occasional private/digital sessions with me. For the past few years I’ve been trying to get her to attend an Activation b/c I KNEW it’s exactly what she needed, and I’m so glad she went to Sayulita. Cat’s adventurous, fun, and always up for anything. She has really great form and body awareness. She has tight hip flexors, traps and SCM. We worked to strengthen her weakened levator scapulae and you can see how much her posture has improved in just one week. She’s much more open through the chest and shoulders. Congrats, Cat! You look freaking phenomenal!

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I’m featuring some of the women that went on Activation Sayulita with me last week! What we achieve in just SEVEN DAYS never ceases to amaze me. Our group of 10 women lost 86” and gained so much strength without missing a meal/margaritas/dessert. I’m kicking off with my partner in crime, Katie. Katie is naturally lean and follows a vegan diet. She’s strong, loves to be challenged and she really excels during our beach workouts. Her challenges are firing into her Serratus Anterior and keeping her neck and jaw relaxed during breath-work and sculpting. Katie lost five inches and I love that her abs are popping and hips are more balanced on day seven. Katie, you look so fit!

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