Before & After, Results, Studio LB lauren boggi Before & After, Results, Studio LB lauren boggi



I wanted to share Amanda’s inspiring progress with you guys after two months of Studio LB. I’m so proud of her! She emailed and said, “I had a wake up call in March when dad snapped a picture of me at work. I’ve never weighed myself on a regular basis and hadn’t been one to be watchful of my diet but when I saw this picture, I knew I needed a lifestyle change! I weighed myself in at 157 and did Whole30 in April. This definitely jumpstarted my journey. I dropped down to 140 but knew that changing my diet was not going to be enough (at least not enough for me to feel proud of my body) so I texted my friend, Nikki to get the name of the women she always raved about!

Here’s me on April 30th before starting The Program and Me this morning (9 pounds lighter and so toned!!!!!!). I love your workouts! How do you always know what to say to me to get me to push harder and never give up?!? You have helped me feel so proud of everything I’ve accomplished the past two months. I love the messages and encouragement (and tough love) you deliver on my iPad each week. I have so much more energy and body positivity. I’m also constantly surprised by how much more I can do each week. Can’t wait to see what else this summer brings. Thank you for being my cheerleader.”

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Studio LB, Results, Extra, Quick Burn Workouts lauren boggi Studio LB, Results, Extra, Quick Burn Workouts lauren boggi



It’s lower body week! We’re just shy of our 500 workout mark and there are so many gems in the library. If you’re looking for a little extra for a visible lift in under 30-minutes, I recommend searching:

Quick Burn: 11-min Lower Body Sculpt

Quick Burn: 30-min Total Body Loop (glutes and upper body)

Quick Burn: 10-min Obliques, Legs and Booty

Quick Burn: 12-min Grounded Lower Body

Quick Burn: 7-min Thighs And Butt Lft 

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Results, Studio LB lauren boggi Results, Studio LB lauren boggi



In your own mind, you are probably always working toward certain goals with regard to your fitness, well-being, finances, family life, and so on. Personal goals are often incredibly private, and with good reason since it taps into your vulnerability, desire, and insecurities. But unless you tell your friends or family, they probably aren’t acutely aware of your personal goals and intentions. I’ve found that rather than expecting those around me to be clairvoyant, divulging my intentions and goals with my trusted inner circle is so beneficial when it comes to actually achieving them.

It’s helpful to define the difference between goals versus intentions. Both are useful tools to identify, though goals are simpler and more definable to share with a trusted confidante. Goals are focused on the future while intentions are in the present moment. Goals are external achievements, whereas intentions do not necessarily have to be. They can work together, and we’ll get into intentions again in another post soon!

To me, sharing a personal goal individually is more beneficial than declaring it publicly on social media. I’d rather tell my husband my goals because I trust and love him, and he’s also more likely to call me on my bullsh** if I am straying too far off course! The purpose of talking openly about your goals is not about external affirmation like likes, comments, or shares but about building up pillars in your support system. Your mom, partner, bestie, or even a coworker can serve as a sounding board and motivator guiding you in the right direction. The one time I find facebook and instagram as the best place to talk about your goals is sharing your Before & After photos! They can be super inspirational to others, and show the goals you’ve reached so far on your journey.

It’s important, in my opinion, to entrust a trusted or loved one with the personal goals you have laid out for yourself. This is for a few reasons, two major ones include basic accountability and also solidifying your goal with specific parameters.

If you take responsibility for your actions, you are showing accountability.  One way to keep yourself accountable is to plan out and write down your weekly schedule of Studio LB workouts, and tick them off as you complete each one. It sounds super simple, but checking something off your list feels incredibly satisfying. Try sharing your weekly checklist with a buddy who also does Studio LB workouts, and you can check in daily once your session is complete. I even know two users who link their Apple Watches to compare their stats each day (it’s under the Activity app, Sharing tab FYI)!

Defining the parameters of your goals is also key when it comes to discussing them with a confidante. For example, just saying “I want to feel better/stronger/healthier” is super subjective and tough for an outsider to comprehend. Instead, if you define that you want to be able to get through a 50-minute cardio workout without modifying, use 10 pound weights for the entirety of a heavy weight sculpting workout, or even fit into a certain dress for an upcoming wedding, it will be easier to share that specific goal. Defining your metrics for a personal goal makes it more tangible and ultimately more achievable. Generic goals garner generic results, so get specific.

In sharing your goals and speaking them out loud, it means you have a clear understanding of what you’re aiming for. It also can spark a conversation that helps you further clarify and sharpen your focus. Self motivation is always #1, but check ins from a friend or family member can definitely reinforce your commitment to achievement and help you feel less alone. I want to know what you’re working toward, so let me know too. Share away!

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Nikki's Activation Transformation


Meet Nikki from the Philly area! Third Activation with me, now girlfriends for life. Nikki strictly practices Studio LB and regularly hits the 200+ minute list weekly, but was in a slump (for her) falling in the 100-200 min. range leading up to Activation. She decided to register for Sayulita a few weeks before we left becuase she was really struggling with motivation. It worked, giving her that push she needed.

Nikki’s strong, dedicated, coordinated, very fit, and loves to be challenged in-studio. Her challenges are tight hips and RUNNING...pretty sure she hates it and also hates ME when I make her do it 😝. Nikki lost 8 inches and I love that her entire body has leaned out and is more defined on day seven. Swipe to see her results just a few weeks post-Activation. Nikki, I love watching you progress every year and I can’t wait for the next one. Love you! 

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Betsy's Activation Transformation


This beauty is vertical and is always my favorite postural analysis. I swear that I do not make anyone stand wonky on day one! Guys, meet Betsy from Philly. Eighth retreat with me. Heart of gold. Always up for happy hour & another workout. Betsy began her fitness journey with me back in the day at Lithe and now she does group classes at Ripped Phl, personal training, and also fits in Studio LB. Honestly, I can’t imagine a retreat without her (head over to Lithe Escape to see pics through the years).

This was Betsy’s second retreat 12 wks post-op labral hip repair. We view Activation as part of her recovery. She’s strong, very fit, and loves to be challenged on the beach and in-studio. Her challenges are keeping her traps and mind out/in of the game and balancing her back and hip mobility during core/floor work. Betsy lost 6 inches and I love that her entire body is much more balanced on day seven. I cant say that we always see eye to eye re: rest days , but I get her type of ‘crazy’ and we have a great working relationship. I adore you, B!

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Before & After, Results, Studio LB lauren boggi Before & After, Results, Studio LB lauren boggi



I want to preface this by saying that I’ve been doing these retreats for over a decade & this is my most meaningful transformation story to date. Meet Nicole from Philly! She works in wealth management, is a mom to grown twins & also is a g-mom. Y’all, I adore this woman SO much. Salt. Of. The. Earth and so much fun. You can see what Nicole achieved (she lost 12” in 7 days) but swipe right to see her 14 days later...she’s LITERALLY a new woman. Initially I was a little concerned b/c I don’t like to “bootcamp” people, but I knew Nicole would see mental/physical changes even if she participated in less than half of the workouts. Prior to Activation she had never trained with me and hadn’t worked out regularly in years. Also, she’s not into fish or veggies but she was there for it ALL. The most amazing thing is that Nicole gave up a Wawa coffee and creamer ☕️ addiction while on Activation. Actually, she didn’t have coffee at all in Mexico (mind-blowing). It takes so much tenacity, willpower, and mental fortitude to go from zero to 13 miles of movement in a day/20 hours in 1 week but she kept pushing. Nicole, we got the ball rolling and I’m so proud of you and happy for you. I know you feel as amazing as you look.

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Lauren's Activation Transformation

Meet the beautiful Lauren from Philly! This was Lauren’s 4th retreat with me where she regained deep core strength and lost 8.875” in 7 days. She’s a busy attorney who takes weekly Barre 3 classes and just recommitted to her Studio LB practice. She has incredible form, FOCUS and body awareness. We worked to make her workouts and movement more dynamic, more impactful and full-body. Since Activation she has been running three miles a day (I’m so proud of you!). We also strengthened her lats and thoracic spine and you can see how her posture has improved in just one week. She’s much more open through the chest and shoulders. Lauren, you look FANTASTIC 

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Meet Cat from LA! Cat lost 11” (11.6875” to be exact) and gained so much physical and mental strength in just 7 days. She’s a busy professional who fits in weekly Soulcycle, private Pilates sessions, Studio LB Quick Burn workouts & occasional private/digital sessions with me. For the past few years I’ve been trying to get her to attend an Activation b/c I KNEW it’s exactly what she needed, and I’m so glad she went to Sayulita. Cat’s adventurous, fun, and always up for anything. She has really great form and body awareness. She has tight hip flexors, traps and SCM. We worked to strengthen her weakened levator scapulae and you can see how much her posture has improved in just one week. She’s much more open through the chest and shoulders. Congrats, Cat! You look freaking phenomenal!

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I’m featuring some of the women that went on Activation Sayulita with me last week! What we achieve in just SEVEN DAYS never ceases to amaze me. Our group of 10 women lost 86” and gained so much strength without missing a meal/margaritas/dessert. I’m kicking off with my partner in crime, Katie. Katie is naturally lean and follows a vegan diet. She’s strong, loves to be challenged and she really excels during our beach workouts. Her challenges are firing into her Serratus Anterior and keeping her neck and jaw relaxed during breath-work and sculpting. Katie lost five inches and I love that her abs are popping and hips are more balanced on day seven. Katie, you look so fit!

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