Lauren Boggi YouTube

This week on YouTube


Saturn Return is a brief total-body toner. In astrological lore, Saturn is the great taskmaster of the skies. We prefer the term life coach or personal trainer actually, since Saturn is “cruel” to be kind. It breaks you down, makes you lift the heavy weights so you can build those rock-hard muscles and get into fighting shape! Wherever Saturn is in your chart will point to your toughest lessons, but the ones you might become obsessed with breaking through. And all the moves are crucial and breakthrough ones. All you need is sharp motions to do this cheer workout from home or on the road.

This week on YouTube


Smudge is a 21-min no equipment Standing Core Quick Burn workout that is a perfect no-impact cardio option with a great flow. Take your workout up a notch by adding ankle weights to classic Cardio-Cheer-Sculpting moves like Liberty to Attitude and Torch. All you need is sharp motions to do this cheer workout from home or on the road, or you can add wrist weights to really up the cardio and the burn!

This week on YouTube


Arsenal is a 27-min Cardio + Sculpt Quick Burn. Arsenal begins with a 7-min high energy cardio series to increase the heart rate for optimal fat burn while we sculpt the booty via weight bearing work. You'll see Frogger in cardio and 30 reps of Pike Kickbacks, Rainbow Kick Backs and Donkey Crossovers in the sculpting. Expect to be dripping by then end and repeat the cardio after the sculpting for extra burn! All you need is sharp motions to do this cheer workout from home or on the road, or you can add ankle weights to really up the cardio and the burn!

This week on YouTube


Shake The Snow Globe is a 23-min no equipment Standing Abs workout that also targets the booty with lean forward and wide second to torch. It has a lovely flow during the breakdown and it provides the perfect amount of muscle confusion. All you need is sharp motions to do this cheer workout from home or on the road, or you can add wrist weights to really up the cardio and the burn!

This week on YouTube


Bombshell is a 26-min. total-body looped sculpt Quick Burn from the May Program that targets everything. It begins with standing sculpting then transitions to the mat for abs, glutes, hip work, triceps and pushups. If you’re looking for a workout to transform your body in less than 30 minutes, this is it. All you need is a resistance loop to do this cheer workout from home or on the road, or you can add weights to the standing section to really up the cardio and the burn!