
Your SLB practice comes with a ton of small perks, like stress management, better sleep, lifted glutes, and an overall healthy body, which add up to a more radiant, gorgeous you. In my opinion, the ultimate outcome of any fitness program is feeling GREAT in your skin. So many of you ask me how I look so “young” (THANK YOU) and I really do have to credit SLB and a healthy diet, of course.

We all know that our overall health radiates from the inside out. Exercise has been shown to not only keeps us fit, and strong but to have a cascade of positive effects that benefit our bodies in many ways:

Exercise Increases Sex Drive, Sex Hormones and Feelings of Attractiveness.

Do you feel sexy? You should - you deserve to! SLB not only makes you look sexy, it also makes you feel sexy by balancing the body's sex hormone levels, which in turn can improve the appearance of hair, skin and muscle tone. The most studied hormones linked to exercise are endorphins, and sex hormones, such as testosterone and human growth hormone HGH — which both get a boost by moving your body. And, remember, testosterone fuels sex drive in both men and women, so this isn’t one-sided.

What’s really interesting is I recently had my hormone panel checked by my friend, Urologist Dr. Joshua Gonzalez here in LA and everything was normal but my testosterone was elevated and I think that SLB could absolutely be why.

You can tailor your workout to produce more testosterone, says C.W. Randolph, MD. cofounder of the Natural Hormone Institute of America and coauthor of In The Mood Again. At SLB we are always doing compound movements and working large muscle groups. Randolph says working large muscle groups — doing things like squats, lunges, dead lifts, bench presses and rows — ramps up testosterone more than single-joint, small-muscle-group movements like biceps curls or triceps extensions. (For more on the sex appeal of good health, see “Faked Fitness”.)

Exercise Improves Skin Tone and Texture.

The Texas Heart Institute reports that a person who exercises vigorously and regularly has lower levels of circulating stress-related hormones, which helps improve the health of the blood vessel lining. Moderate exercise everyday can strengthen the heart and arteries, making the circulatory system more efficient. That improved circulation floods our skin with oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood cells. The results: A healthier complexion with clearer skin with a more healthy coloration. But consistency counts: Researchers at the Institute found that the heart goes back to its baseline strength after just 2-3 weeks off of exercise.

Better Mood

Researchers have been looking into the link between exercise and cognition for several decades. One conclusive and undeniable truth has emerged from these studies: Exercise boosts your mood because it fundamentally changes your brain, both in the moment and over time.

What kind of impact, you ask? For starters, when you exercise, your heart rate increases and your body pumps more oxygen to your brain. That process can affect your overall positivity, as multiple studies have found that a well-oxygenated brain helps manage anxiety and depression. Other studies have found that exercise may help alleviate depression and anxiety overall.

Research has also shown that after 20 or 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that interact with receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain—meaning you're more likely to feel positive and upbeat during a tough workout. It also releases other mood-enhancing chemicals like serotonin and dopamine that can stick around in your brain for a couple of hours after you exercise (all via Mindbodygreen).


Breaking a sweat isn’t the only way exercise benefits the skin — it also reduces body-wide inflammation, helps regulate skin-significant hormones and prevents free-radical damage. When you exercise, the tiny arteries in your skin open up, allowing more blood to reach the skin’s surface and deliver nutrients that repair damage from the sun and environmental pollutants. These nutrients also rev up the skin’s collagen production, thwarting wrinkles and help fibroblasts work more efficiently so the skin looks younger.

Better Immunity and Detoxification

Exercise also keeps the lymph system happy. The body has roughly 500 lymph nodes — little nodules of tissue that take out metabolic trash. But the nodes can’t haul garbage to the curb without the help of nearby muscles. When muscles contract during exercise, they put the squeeze on lymph nodes, helping them pump waste out of your system. Result: You look less puffy and polluted.

Less Visceral Fat

Yes, exercise can help you lose your love handles, but it’s the loss of excess fat deep inside the body that boosts your overall vitality and your looks.

The body contains two types of fat. The one you can pinch (subcutaneous) is relatively benign. But the less visible stuff, the visceral fat that pads the abdominal organs like so many packing peanuts, can be a killer. Excess visceral fat fuels low-grade inflammation in the body and is tied to a virtual who’s who of 21st-century ills, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer and dementia. It can also upset the balance of important hormones (more on that to come) that affect your skin, hair and general appearance.

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Happy Spring Break! It’s time to shed the layers. Whether you’ve been homeschooling and haven’t moved much in the past year or you’re in the best shape of your life, SLB is here to help you move, eat with think with intention.

I’ve been in the fitness industry and have worked with (mostly) women for almost two decades. Each year as winter turns to spring women call on me when they want to feel their best and level up. As I learn about what they want to change about their physical bodies, I also help them do the mental work and identify what they love about themselves. More than the results they achieve with SLB, I love to help women build confidence and realize that their body is the most uniquely beautiful and the most amazing thing that they will ever own.

I’m a pro at making myself look larger and longer both on and off camera. If you’ve only seen me on camera and have never met me in person, I’m shockingly petite (5’0 tall and under 110 lbs.) but I’ve always been incredibly curvy. I’ve gone through stages where I didn’t love my curves and wished I was like, AT LEAST 5’2”, but over the years I’ve learned to really appreciate and truly love my body. I’m here to tell you that loving your body takes time but it’s not difficult to do.

Here are my seven tips to looking and feeling comfortable and confident in your swimsuit in 2021.

Identify and Own your Strengths

Instead of picking yourself apart or comparing yourself to someone else, focus on your what makes you uniquely beautiful. I promise that you can identify one thing you love about yourself and that will turn into ten.

Drop into the Physical

I like to use movement to break negative patterns and shift my mindset. The quickest and easiest way to upgrade your mood is to move. You can literally move the negative out of your mind and body, because movement can chemically change how you feel. Emotion is enhanced by motion, and movement can make you feel good, sexy, strong, beautiful and empowered. I’m biased but there is nothing out there that will tone and shape your body as quickly as Studio LB. Combining cardio and resistance training is key and even if you’re just doing our Quick Burn workouts, you are guaranteed results in as little as ten workouts. It’s as instant gratification as it gets.


Take a bath, apply a mask or a spray tan, and just flirt with life a little bit more. Love and the libido is a vital sign in your well-being and your body’s eco-system. I’m not just talking about sex. Everything in life is connected to the heart, desire and feeling alive. I’ve learned that love really starts at home – within ourselves. Feeling sexy (for myself) allows me to tap into my creativity, confidence, all that is feminine and ultimately - loving my body.

Wear what feels good

Forget about what’s trendy and stick to what you feel the most confident and comfortable in…and smile. Nobody will notice your insecurities if you feel good and look authentically happy.

Eat with LB

A few days before you’re planning on being in a bikini, drink plenty of water and decrease sodium and foods that cause bloating. It's not a case of healthy vs. unhealthy – choose still over sparkling water and stay away from raw veggies like cabbage or broccoli and beans which can cause bloating. I always choose anti-bloat options like sauteed greens and grilled chicken before I show major skin.

Posture Perfect

Stand up straight with your shoulders pulled back and down and with as much confidence as you can gather. Lengthening your spine out through the crown of your head is literally the quickest and most effective change you can make.

High Pony

Volume or “big hair” draws attention to the upper half of your body, balancing your silhouette and providing a distraction from any parts you're not in love with at the current moment. A high pony adds two inches in height and stretches you out. Even a sun hat will do the trick!

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Beauty, Lauren Boggi, Skincare, Clean Beauty lauren boggi Beauty, Lauren Boggi, Skincare, Clean Beauty lauren boggi



Let’s be honest. Whoever and whatever lifts you up has never felt more valuable. Most asked question besides fitness? You guys ask me everyday about my brows and lashes. I’m Italian so genetics probably has everything to do with it. My lashes are natural although I did have lash extensions for years and I’m shocked that they bounced back with the pandemic. I do absolutely nothing to my brows although I probably should. I love a glossy, lifted eye look for everyday. A few of my favorite eye products that really help out: Saie Brow Butter in Clear, Jillian Dempsey Lid Tint in Dew, SuperGoop Bright-Eyed Mineral Eye Cream, Saie Mascara 101, Tata Harper Elixir Vitae Eye Serum and Joanna Vargas Bright Eye Hydrating Mask.

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Having a beach bod is easy, you just take your body to the beach, right? It feels a bit different this year. At 5’ nothing I’m a pro at making myself look larger and longer both on and off camera. And guess what? I’m not always super confident (my first pic from any shoot looks very stiff ). Here are my six tips to looking and feeling great in your swimsuit.

Wear What You Feel Best In

Forget about what’s trendy and wear what you feel the most confident and comfortable in…and smile. Nobody will notice your insecurities if you feel good and look authentically happy.

Eat With LB

A few days before you’re planning on being in a bikini, drink plenty of water and decrease sodium and foods that cause bloating. It's not a case of healthy vs. unhealthy – choose still over sparkling water and stay away from veggies like cabbage or broccoli and beans which can cause bloating. I always choose anti-bloat options like sauteed greens and grilled chicken before I show major skin.


I know that I’m biased but seriously there is nothing out there that will tone and shape your body fast like Cardio-Cheer-Sculpting. Combining cardio and resistance training is key and even if you’re just doing our Quick Burn workouts, you are guaranteed results in as little as seven days. It’s as instant gratification as it gets.

Spray Tan

A spray tan can make you appear more toned and improve the appearance of cellulite in less than 30 minutes. It’s the ultimate confidence booster. I love St. Tropez.

Posture Perfect

Stand up straight with your shoulders pulled back and down and with as much confidence as you can gather. Lengthening your spine out through the crown of your head is literally the quickest and most effective change you can make.

High Pony

Volume or “big hair” draws attention to the upper half of your body, balancing your silhouette and providing a distraction from any parts you're not in love with at the current moment. A high pony adds two inches in height and stretches you out. Even a sun hat will do the trick!

Wear A Wedge

I’m talking about a flip flop with a heel (Haviana’s makes a great one) or a wedge - It will make your entire body appear longer and leaner.

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Lauren Boggi, Skincare, Beauty lauren boggi Lauren Boggi, Skincare, Beauty lauren boggi


Spring is at our heels and it’s the perfect time to swap out your palate. You guys are always asking me what products I’m using and right now I’m loving this golden look that is glowy, isn’t overdone and works both on and off-camera.

Skin: Koh Gen Do Maifanshi Aqua Foundation & RMS Beauty Master Mixer

Eyes: Glossier Skywash in Pebble Glossier Boy Brow in Clear & Westman Atelier Eye Love You Mascara in Clean Black

Lips: Generation-G in Like

Cheeks: Westman Atelier Baby Cheeks Blush Stick in Chouchette

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Beauty, Health and Wellness, Skincare lauren boggi Beauty, Health and Wellness, Skincare lauren boggi



After reading this story from 2012 and this 2018 article about makeup causing early menopause sent me into total obsessive freak-out mode, I decided to do a beauty re-haul and educate myself on endocrine disruptors. Tbh, I’ve loved refreshing my products (Violet Grey and Sephora both carry great clean beauty lines), but it was a little bit challenging because I never want crunchy-granola items that are less effective than my regular products and I don’t want to smell like a natural foods store. When it comes to beauty, I just refuse to settle.

Let me preface by saying this is a huge subject to take on, I’m not a scientist, and I’m focusing only on cosmetics here not any processed foods, toys, building materials, medical devices, etc that contain either parabens or phthalates. Personally, I’ve been trying to avoid these in my beauty routine as their effects on our health are still unclear in the long term and are continuing to be studied worldwide. So here we go!

A paraben is any of a group of compounds used as preservatives in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products and in the food industry. They were introduced in the 1950s to improve safety and quality control in mass produced items, blocking bacterial and mold growth and extending their shelf life. Methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and ethylparaben are a couple of the most common ones you’ll see on ingredient lists.

Phthalates are various salts or esters of phthalic acid used especially as plasticizers and in solvents (say what?) . You’ll find phthalates in nail polish, hairspray, perfume, lotions, etc. They give products durability and uniform texture - like helping nail polish to not crack or giving flexible hold in hairspray. Like parabens, there are a many different types, but they all end in the actual word “phthalate” like diethylphthalate (DEP).

For the last 20 years, studies have been carried out examining whether parabens were linked with breast cancer as well as looking into the possibility for endocrine disruption based on urine samples. A 2004 breast cancer study did not indicate that parabens are cancer causing, but did say that the “body burden” of these preservatives had not been thoroughly examined and that that they can seep into our skin and remain in breast tissue.

Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), cosmetic products and ingredients, other than color additives, do not need FDA approval before they go on the market but they must be properly labeled. This was part of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA), which requires a declaration on packaging of ingredients for goods sold to retail consumers.

The CDC and FDA have both reviewed the effects of phthalates on human health and declined to issue any decisive warnings. “Human health effects from exposure to low levels of phthalates are unknown… More research is needed to assess the human health effects of exposure to phthalates,” the CDC states. Keep in mind that phthalates are harder to track, since they’re often just listed under the umbrella of “fragrance.” Like I mentioned with ingredients found in chemical versus mineral sunscreens, the European Union has taken a stronger anti-phthalate stance than the United States.

Many beauty companies have rolled out paraben- and phthalate-free product lines, and instead are using alternative natural preservatives and fragrances like essential oils and botanicals, vitamins, sodium benzoate, and glycerin. For example, lemon and rosemary essential oils have natural antibacterial properties as an alternative to paraben preservatives. While these products are safe and effective alternatives to parabens, they often have a shorter shelf life and can be more expensive to produce so the retail price is generally higher too.

Like I mentioned earlier, this is a topic that could be discussed at great length (environmental & marine effects, safety concerns, the EU vs US approach, unscented vs fragrance-free, hundreds of scientific studies…) but we’re just scraping the surface here. If you prefer to play it safe (and I do!), it’s pretty simple now to seek out paraben- and phthalate-free beauty products. Many popular cosmetic brands have rolled out green or natural lines that are widely available in stores and online. Also shopping local, small brands can be a solid option but keep in mind that your products will have a shorter shelf life and you have to trust the seller. If you have any great product recommendations or resources, let me know!

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Balance, Beauty, Health and Wellness, Skincare lauren boggi Balance, Beauty, Health and Wellness, Skincare lauren boggi



A sense of equilibrium, wellbeing and overall calm in our mind-body connection is key to a rejuvenating night of sleep. Between work, family, LA fires, social, personal development, and health obligations, my day sometimes zooms by in a hectic frenzy and I’m left both wound up and drained by bedtime. At the end of each day I try to unwind and re-center in a few ways that help bring me back down to earth and into balance.

Bath Time

I find that women often avoid self care practices like long, luxurious baths and consider them selfish, a misuse of time, or overly indulgent. Have you felt that way? Well let me be the one to tell you: you totally deserve it. If I’ve had a long day filming Studio LB workouts and feel muscle soreness, an epsom salt bath and a book are exactly what I need. A bath versus a shower also means I can toss my hair on top of my head in a bun and extend a good blow out for a few days without having to put on a fugly shower cap.

Wine Down

I’ll often skip wine or a cocktail with dinner in favor of having one either during my bath or just before bed. A great glass of red - sometimes super light Pinot Noir or something spicy like a Tempranillo - helps me chill out and slow down. In moderation, polyphenol antioxidants in red wine like resveratrol have been shown to be heart healthy which is a nice bonus.

During this time, I like to stop any endless scrolling on the phone or working on my laptop and fully unplug. Some nights it means enjoying comfortable silence solo, and others it means downloading with Jordan when he’s in LA. When I look at my own family, the ones that share Italian roots definitely stress less and laugh more than most people I know. They must be doing something right. Maybe it’s the Montepulciano d’Abruzzo?


You guys know that I’m a believer. From oil to high potency CBD balms, it’s in my life (especially at night) on the regular.


I heard once that Mariah Carey demands marathon, hours-long massages while she watches movies like Mean Girls and Bruno on repeat to fall asleep. I don’t have that diva level of disposable income sadly, so instead my foam roller and I are buds.

Myofascial release is so undervalued, and if you commit to a regular foam rolling habit the results are incredible. In the AM, I recommend rolling vigorously to stimulate blood flow and wake your limbs up. Nighttime rolling should be gentler, slower and over time it starts to feel relaxing. Personally I find it most beneficial to hit my hamstrings and back before heading to sleep. I’ll admit there’s a pretty high barrier to entry, since the first few times rolling can feel very uncomfortable. I like to find the points of tension as I roll, and pause on them breathing into that spot. Breaking up the fascia feels so good and therapeutic to me before bed.

I’d definitely also recommend trying out one of my flow style workouts before bed as a supplement to your regular daily practice. Studio LB’s 15-minute core stretch and 13-minute stretch are both great to help realign posture and shake off some stress of the day before climbing into bed. 

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Beauty, Lauren Boggi, Skincare lauren boggi Beauty, Lauren Boggi, Skincare lauren boggi



Less is more. I wear an obscene amount of makeup when I’m working on-camera, but my off-duty routine is pretty bare-skinned, and minimal. A few things I can't live without: Dove Beauty Bar, Supergoop Everyday Sunscreen, SPF 50, Shani Darden's Retinol Reform magically erases all my sun damage and keeps my skin glowing, and Supergoop Lipscreen in SPF 50 protects my lips from the intense California sun. As for makeup, I love Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer.

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Beauty, Skincare lauren boggi Beauty, Skincare lauren boggi


image via chillhouse

image via chillhouse

When it comes to skincare, I’ll never give up on my peels, serums, microcurrent, and jade roller, but lately I’ve been loving a more low tech approach that yields amazing results instead, using a super old school Chinese method called Gua Sha. “Gua Sha,” which directly translates to “scraping” in Chinese, is a healing technique in traditional East Asian medicine that uses a smooth crystal tool for facial massage (and other body parts too). 

I had been using a jade roller for a few years intermittently, but prefer the gentle “scraping” motion I’ve learned with this method. It invigorates my skin and I can immediately feel a boost in blood flow, like nothing below the surface is stagnating. Gua sha can relieve facial and jaw tension, promote cell renewal, renews facial contour, firms and lifts sagging skin, reduces inflammation, puffiness, diminishes blemishes, relieves encourage lymphatic draining, provides a great brow lift, and breaks up fascia. I swear I have fewer headaches, and my face looks contoured and more youthful after a session. Research shows the stimulating blood flow through this therapy can have anti-inflammatory and immune-protective effects that last for days following a single treatment. 

Personally, I learned how to do an at-home facial and the proper directional method from pro Kari Jansen of Poppy and Someday in Laurel Canyon and it was so helpful. The gua sha workshop I attended was part of a day long wellness retreat full of yoga, meditation, tarot readings, and fresh seasonal meals so basically heaven. Two big takeaways from the lesson I had was to work until the skin is red and to look for a tool made from rose quartz or jade, rather than acrylic. Kari says, “You want to Gua Sha until your skin turns pink or even red. For it releasing toxins, excess fire or inflammation, increases blood flow, and breaks up congested & cold lymph. When it’s deep red your body is releasing lactic acid and moving stagnation.”

I’m totally giving gua sha credit for clearer, brighter skin that feels and looks invigorated. The larger tool I have is also great for massaging my chest, arms, and thighs, boosting blood flow and improving the look of my skin’s texture. I’d definitely recommend seeking out a gua sha treatment or trying an at home facial.

If you’re looking for inspo, check out holistic skincare Britta Beauty on instagram. Her videos are not only great to have on hand if you're new to gua sha.

How To:

1. You’ll notice how much heat gua sha produces so, you can prime your skin with a bit of facial oil or moisturizer to ease friction. This is not at all a critical step, but it definitely feels great.

2. Starting at the base of your neck, take the flat side of the tool and move upwards towards your chin applying reasonable pressure.

3. Move to the chin. From the base of your chin, take the same flat edge and sweep upwards towards your cheekbones. Repeat this step on each side of your face three times. If you feel particularly tense in your jaw, you might want to focus on this area. The jaw is my favorite part and Kari taught me how to identify and blast the stagnation “crystals” that accumulate there.

4. Switching to one of the smaller angles on your tool (there are usually a few, you can choose the most comfortable for your face shape), begin on the side of your nose and sweep outwards over the cheekbones towards the temples and over your brows for a lift. End with a few swipes up the nose towards the forehead.

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Living Better, Beauty Katie Kempf Living Better, Beauty Katie Kempf



I'm one of the lucky few that doesn't have to wear deodorant, but if I did I would want something natural that works as hard as I do, and I wouldn't want to smell like a pine tree. 

A friend of a friend told me about Curie and I passed it along to Katie so that she could put it to the two+ STUDIO LB workouts a day in LA test. Katie loves that it's natural, contains no aluminum, smells great, and held up after two very intense STUDIO LB workouts.


Curie was founded in San Francisco by Sarah Moret. As a marathon runner with a demanding career in venture capital, she needed a natural deodorant that could keep up with her active lifestyle and couldn't find one. She spent almost a year developing the formula and launched Curie in April 2018.  Curie is an aluminum-free, natural deodorant made with simple ingredients that your body understands, like coconut oil, shea butter, beeswax, and baking soda...and it works! Curie's signature white tea scent is light, fresh and feminine and smells heavenly :) 

I love that the brand’s name pays homage to French physicist and chemist Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel prize, and the first and only woman to win twice. She was a badass that broke barriers. Curie comes in regular, mini (temporarily sold out) and sensitive skin formulas.


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