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You’ve subscribed to Studio LB, you’ve texted the hotline, you’ve checked your email and the facebook group to see what’s in store for you this week, you have your leggings and sports bra laid out and ready to go, and your alarm is set (ok… your 6 iPhone alarms spaced exactly 4 minutes apart are set). You’ve totally got this. But then something in your brain stops you from getting up and getting moving with me.
While you know that exercise will ultimately make your day feel complete, often you’ll face mental blocks that stop you from getting your sweat on, and you literally have to make room for your practice in your life for it to actually happen. Here’s a few tips for manifesting your at-home practice. Lets make it happen!
Actions must match desires
So, you really want this, right? You have to believe in you, your practice, and the results that are coming your way, but you also have to work with the universe to facilitate receiving. It won’t happen overnight, but if you’re diligent with taking action you should be all in within 30 days.
Pick your environment
Maybe carving out a corner of your bedroom so you can literally roll out of bed onto the mat and start stretching is best for you. Or perhaps your bedroom is solely a sleeping sanctuary and you prefer the biggest screen in the living room with the coffee table pushed out of the way as your at-home studio. Whether it’s your bedroom’s natural light that motivates you, or you prefer to have a spot for your little one to safely play while you do CCS, ask yourself what type of environment will be most conducive to your performance. Once you’ve determined this, stick with it and make it your spot moving forward.
Set the stage
In each of my workouts, I’ll list in the notes what you need for equipment like light or heavy weights, a mat, loops, or nothing at all. Making sure you have the necessary accessories before pressing play means you won’t have to pause and run around the house searching for your gear mid-workout. I also cannot stress enough how important it is to have a full-length mirror to the right or left of your screen so that you can check your form.
No negative self-talk
Try not to speak poorly of yourself, your life, or your body. Never say, “I’m not good at this,” or “I can’t exercise at home”. These negative phrases should not exist in your world.
Don’t be afraid to fail
Of course, you want to master each move on your first go around, but that’s not realistic. Don’t get frustrated if you make a mistake during a cardio sequence during the breakdown. I make mistakes too! A fear of failure can hold you back from making huge physical and mental gains using my program. Keep moving, keep trying, and trust that change will happen when you’re a little outside of your comfort zone.
Ask me
Last but definitely not least, I’m here for you to answer any questions or jut to give a morale boost, and I truly want to see you succeed. Text me and the team on the Studio LB hotline 424-327-5470 with any questions or feedback!