


2021 coming in hot! Feel that good energy? I’ve followed so many of your personal journeys this year in regards to health and wellness. For some, healthy habits took a back seat to new responsibilities that came with the pandemic while others used the extra time to at home to create new healthy habits. Regardless of how you’re feeling today, it’s time to get into a new mindset and start 2021 on the right foot.

You know how you accomplish more of your health goals during a week if you get your workouts in early in the week and meal prep over the weekend? The same is true for the year. Starting the year off on the right foot, will set you up for success all year long.

So many of us need a catalyst to stay committed to fitness. Every year, I hear from many of you that your goals include looking and feeling your best for a certain event, or in a bikini, or your favorite pair of shorts, etc. With herd immunity or getting round one of the vaccine still a ways away, you may feel like you’re lacking motivation rn.

It’s time to change your motivation mindset. Yes, fitness gives you confidence, but it also gives you so much more than that. It gives you energy, it boosts your mood, it helps you sleep better, helps you control your weight, it helps you age well, and reduces your risk of chronic disease.

It’s time to turn Netflix off, and SLB On. Throw the sugar and processed foods out and stock up on whole foods. We’re starting this year right. Make yourself feel good now, and your future self will thank you for years to come.

The SLB Jan Program begins on Monday. Sign up and commit by texting us on the SLB Connect hotline: 424-327-5470. Plant some seeds today for what you want to be, what you want to see, and where you want to be in the near future. Do it with intention and love and believe that it’s all coming together, because it is!