10/9/23 SLB

This week we’re calling in a return to routine and order with a mini challenge.

Content will drip in on Monday morning along with schedules and live stream workouts. If you’re practicing in the AM, please begin with Laid or C Est Nice (if you’re following the QB schedule) located in the October Program, in studio. Take it in hand…

Also, the hotline is back! Text 310-817-0143. Text only, please.


New Thought is a 45-min standing and grounded 3x3 sculpt. You know most of the moves, but this may possibly be the most compound we’ve ever been in a full length workout. You’ll need one heavy weight (8-10 lb is ideal. 5 lb if you’re new or taking it easy) and a mat.

Laid is a 51-min. high energy and high impact Cardio + Sculpt. The cardio is full of dynamic CCS power moves that make you feel strong and sexy: Tap Downs, Cross-To-T and Drive the Bus while the weighted standing sculpting is simple and effective. *Please modify the Tap Downs if you have any lower back tightness.

Actual Magic is absolute magic. Standing abs and weighted standing sculpting with classic sequencing and a pushup breakdown equals a killer total-body workout and results. Expect to feel this everywhere from waist to back and glutes.


Baby Chino is the arm burner that’s perfect by itself or stacked onto a full length. You’ll need wrist weights or light weights. Modify with no equipment.


Bite is a 21-min wrist weighted Quick Burn with an abs and arms focus. You’ll need wrist weights or light weights. Modify with no equipment.

4x4 is a 26-minute cardio + sculpt that works multi-angles and is full-body perfection with compound movements. You'll need light to medium weights and a mat.