10/15/23 SLB

It’s Activation week! Last week we challenged with upper body (90 push-ups alone in New Thought) and this week I’m challenging you with extra movement.

New content will begin to drip in on Monday via live streamed workouts. I will be live streaming from Ibiza, Spain and these workouts will be recorded and saved in-studio. If you’re practicing in the AM, please begin with Heaven or High Priestess (if you’re following the QB schedule) located in the October Program, in studio. Take it in hand…

Also, the hotline is back! Text 310-817-0143. Text only, please.


Heaven is a 50-min weighted cardio + sculpt that's heavenly. You can expect a fun and sweaty cardio breakdown with a lot of arms and abs. You’ll need a variety of weights and a mat.

A B-Side (flip-side) is a secondary recording that typically receives less attention and is often considered filler but is usually better than the A-Side. Throughout my career I’ve been known for transforming the booty with unique programming and choreography. B-Sides is a total-body workout with an emphasis on the glutes and lats without a bridge in the lineup. You’ll need weights for modifying and a mat.

Suki (means beloved) is the first workout in our new Meditative Movement category, Present. I’m excited to expand on this work and slowly bring you into this world. All you’ll need is a mat, and possibly extra padding for the knees.


High Priestess has a feminine flow. The long reaching side bend just feels kinda right. The High Priestess is a very spiritual tarot card tied to femininity and inspiration.

Crushin' on this one for full-body bliss. Cardio, light weight upper body and mat-work with light to medium weights and a mat. 

Whatsoever is an 18-minute Live stream abs + arms combo.