International Women's Day
art by Laura Berger
Today I am excited to celebrate YOU and all of the other kickass women that make this world a better place. I am so grateful to be doing what I love with all of you strong, inspiring women from all corners of the world. Your strength, determination, beauty, intelligence, and talent inspire me on a daily basis. I love that we are here to support and empower each other to be the best version of ourselves. Thank you for letting me part of your journey, and in turn for being a huge part of mine!
The purpose of International Women's Day is to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women worldwide. Considering our ever-growing community of members to Studio LB, I can't help but be inspired by IWD's celebration of unity, reflection, advocacy and action.
When I consider the intention of International Women's Day, something that really resonates was when I first learned about feminism. As a young woman, the word feminist held negative connotations, and I think it does for many. When I originally heard a high school friend identify as a Feminist with a capital F, I envisioned her as a one-dimensional bra-burning and man-hating figure, but quickly learned that was a pretty outdated and narrow minded notion. When you actually check out the definition in Merriam Webster, feminism is described as this–
1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests
Those are both definitions I can strongly get behind. My friend identifying as a feminist really reframed how I thought about identifying as one myself then, as I do to this day. Since International Women’s Day is about showcasing a commitment to women’s equality and celebrating women’s achievements, feminism is intrinsically linked in my mind. Basically, feminist is not a dirty word and it's a label I embrace wholeheartedly.
As you all know, I believe prioritizing health is one of the best things we can do for ourselves and for everyone else in our life. My goal for Studio LB has always been to give as many women as possible a chance to put their health first. So to celebrate International Women’s Day, I want to share Studio LB with as many woman as possible. If you’re a member and you know a kickass woman who isn’t a member and would benefit from Studio LB we’ll send them one complimentary month! Email on March 8th with your friend’s name and email address and we’ll send a one-month membership her way!
Xx, Lauren