Fireside Chat

Breaking Negative Thought Cycles

SLB Nov. fireside chat preview > > Being an athlete has really shaped who I am and has taught me how to break out of the negative and focus in on and prioritize my physical/mental well-being, with zero guilt attached. I hope that (through SLB) I give you the courage to put yourself first and express yourself freely, while celebrating your lifeforce and your body, everyday.

I’ve worked in this space (and w/ women) for almost 20 years 😳 now and during this time I’ve overheard many women say some pretty gnarly things to themselves. Like, if you heard someone say these things to someone else you’d be furious, right?

3 Steps to Break Negative Thought Cycles About Yourself:

1. Get to know your triggers. Pinpoint the situations, people or contexts that trigger negativity and then limit your exposure to them.

2. Focus on and reframe your thought patterns. Reframing is a type of self-talk where you force those negative thoughts to flip 180 degrees and attack them. Distorted thinking happens when our minds try to convince us of something that isn’t true. Often, it serves to reinforce critical ideas we have about ourselves or our worth. You may have an intrusive thought like, “My skin is so bad, no one will ever want to hire me.” This is an example of black and white thinking (rather than seeing life as more grey, uncertain and constantly changing).

3. Be kind to yourself and your body. Set aside time every day to do at least one thing that makes you feel really good. That might be a bath, making your favorite smoothie, stretching or doing SLB. Giving yourself what you need in the moment can reduce anxiety and can help disrupt negative thought cycles.

Looking forward to diving deeper with SLB members next month.