Energetics within bodywork is my gift and has become such an integral part of my work. Talking to bodies and cars…
The back right tire blew out again so he asked me to come listen to the body. I asked him if he'd been storing some resentment, anger or frustration on the male (right) side - Something he felt he should act on but didn't, or something to which he acted in an inappropriately aggressive manner. As the physical body is a clear representation of spiritual conditions, so is your car.
There is a connection between what goes on with us and our cars, just as there is a connection between the manifestation of physical illness and our state of spiritual balance.
I told him that when he drives this car he should try to be in balance mentally and emotionally and open to incoming energies and that his vibration gets transmitted, as if it’s broadcast. If he’s driving in an angry or agitated state, his energy gets transferred – actually conducted – to the automobile itself.
For example, my friend Joe’s car almost refuses to run whenever he tries to leave in a rushed, negative or conflicted state. It’s become almost comical, it’s happened so many times. When he’s in balance, the car runs perfectly. Think about how this concept relates to our human body.
Photos: @groomedla film: @fuzzywarbles @porsche