9/4/23 SLB

Wherever you are, I hope you’re soaking up every last bit of the Summer…


Ananda means "joy, bliss, and delight in Sanskrit. Begin your week with our 40-min weighted core basics to feel the good vibes. You'll need light to medium weights and a mat. 

Rile is a 36-min full-body Cardio + Sculpt that includes key high powered cardio from this month, along with a breakdown and a standing sculpting series. I adore the Cardio-Sculpt-Cardio format. You’ll need medium to heavy weights and a mat. Use 8-10 lbs for the ultimate burn in less time.

Ultramint is a classic single weighted Standing Core with a push-up breakdown. Wear wrist weights for a real cardio and arm challenge.


Anti Gravity is an 11-minute grounded Body Parts workout that really hones in on the core with work in plank and on the elbow. You'll need a mat and ankle weights.

Quick Burn

Always Fire is a 26-min Standing Core Quick Burn that combines compound movements with multi-planed movement and a little bit of speed to increase cardiac output and those SLB results. This one is great for travel but strap on wrist or ankle weights to really kick up the burn. 

Mom tackles it all in under 30 min. She begins with looped cardio, moves into standing weighted sculpting, transitions to non-looped cardio and then grounded mat sculpting. You’ll need one heavy weight, a medium resistance loop and a mat.