
It’s time to work on our core and I’m not talking about our abs. Many of us spend so much money and time working on our bodies through via fitness and organic, whole foods because we know how important it is to stay physically healthy, but when it comes to what we put into our non-physical, inner core (our mind and soul), we have a tough time keeping the toxic crap out (hello, social media). One of my most favorite Ted Talks is by psychologist Guy Winch called “Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid”. In it, he talks about how we value physical health over our mental health.

Most of us have no idea how to deal and treat day-to-day emotional injuries while also being kind to ourselves and not letting that negative inner voice get the better of us. When we're feeling negative or down, certain tasks seem impossible, right? We tend to put things off (unloading the dishwasher, a 50-min. workout), but if we just get started by taking that first step, it will have a snowball effect.

I like to use movement to break negative patterns and shift my mindset. The quickest and easiest way to upgrade your mood is to move. You can literally move the negative out of your mind and body, because movement can chemically change how you feel. Emotion is enhanced by motion, and movement can make you feel good, sexy, strong, beautiful and empowered.

For example, how many times have you gotten up in the morning, sat up in bed and decided right then and there that you were in a bad mood, were totally unmotivated to do anything, or go anywhere, let alone workout. It happens to all of us. Last month I had the worst PMS and I was procrastinating and angry at the world. I don't think that I moved much for two days straight and then I went for a short walk, and momentum took over. Later that same day we filmed a full length SLB workout and I felt 100% better. 

Beyond movement, creating a daily mantra to remind yourself that you’re a badass and deserving of love is really powerful. Look at yourself in the mirror before going to bed and repeat your mantra out loud ten times. Eventually, you’ll start believing the words. I have a hard time with this one and sometimes can’t think of a solid mantra, so lately I’ve found myself using Lizzo lyrics. Some good ones are “Put me on a pedestal, bet on me, bet I will.” “No I’m not a snack at all. Look, I’m the whole damn meal.” “I’ve been lifting heavy metal. See this ass? Ain’t no rental.” If nothing else, saying the lyrics as kind of spoken word poetry makes me laugh and feel happier afterward.

So work on the core and also your soul. I think if we spent as much time caring for the mental as we do the physical, we’d be more positive, have less anxiety and be happier and healthier overall.


Studio LB 1/18/21
