Lauren Boggi's Studio LB

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We love when you share with us! Read SLB member, Jenna’s story of progress and self-love during the pandemic

This week marks 1 yr training SLB: 6 days a week + 12 months = 30lbs and 21.5” gone.

The past year has definitely been a journey of self-love and self-care, something I had neglected for far too long. I had prioritized everything and everyone ahead of myself. Ever since my kids were born, I struggled with the ever-elusive work-life balance. It always seemed that it was work or the family, but never enough time to focus on me. So when the lockdowns began in mid-March 2020 and despite the chaotic world around me, I realized I was being given a golden opportunity. What I learned in those early days of the pandemic is that the only thing you can control is yourself. I was working from home, all the kids activities were cancelled and we were homebound. There were Z E R O excuses for why I couldn’t focus on me. So I turned to something that helped me recover from injuries over a decade ago when we lived in Philly. And it has been one of the B E S T decisions I’ve made during quarantine.

My original why was because I could no longer wear my wedding and engagement rings because I had gained so much weight, they were getting stuck on my finger. After two months, I had achieved that goal and ever since, my whys keep transforming and pushing me to think about what I truly want. And while I love that I’ve lost weight, I realize that the number on the scale is just that – a number. It doesn’t define me.

I’ve learned the importance of prioritizing myself.

I understand the need to be selfish sometimes.

I understand the need for self-care.

I’ve regained my confidence.

Because if I don’t focus on myself, there’s no way I can be 100% for the people who need me the most.