Lauren Boggi's Studio LB

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One thing we don’t talk enough about is how to successfully make the transition from primarily exercising at gyms and fitness studios, to primarily exercising at home. The key is learning what works for you in terms of self-motivation and accountability.  At gyms or in class, people tend to find their motivation because someone else is watching, or you may show up for your workout because you’ll be charged if you skip it. These motivational factors aren’t relevant w/ digital fitness so you need to change your mindset. Recently, I shared a few tips from myself as well as some of our long time members. Many of you reached out asking for more, so this week we’re talking with Chrissy S. & Alicia P!

Chrissy S. (Lake Tahoe, CA)

 “A few months prior (to these pictures) I was paddle boarding and someone took a pic. I saw it and signed up for the 7 day trial the very next day. Fast forward to my next beach vacation and I was finally comfortable chasing my kids around in a bikini because of Studio LB.”

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB?

I have been a member for just under a year. I typically follow the "Program" and practice five days a week. Okay, sometimes four but this forced stillness we are experiencing has been beneficial for me to fully commit 45-60 minutes to myself as often as possible. Starting my day with Studio LB affords me the ability to be whole for my children and my husband given the current state of 24/7 home life. 

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

My commitment and motivation has everything to do with the results. I usually get up at 6am to get my class in before my kids wake up. Otherwise, the day gets away from me and I struggle to get it done. If I miss the alarm (I have a teething one year old = some nights are rough) I invite my 3 year old to take the class with me during the baby's nap. We crack up together and I may have to pause on occasion (because snack breaks are life), but I get it done. In the past, it has always been easy for me to derail from my workout routine. I used to let life get in the way. When you extract the commute, structured studio schedules and added expenses there is no way to not get it done. I also make an extra effort for accountability to have some kind of challenge going on with my husband or a friend. Currently, my husband is training for a trail marathon and he is as regimented as they come. He follows a training schedule and on the days he runs I commit to a no-excuses Studio LB workout. 

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5? 

My no BS philosophy for myself: you're defeating the purpose if you're not giving these workout minutes your everything. For me, the beginner series was key to the method. It may seem elementary at times for veteran fitness guru's but a 10 in form is everything to achieving that burn and the desired results. I workout in front of a mirror to ensure my form is on point the whole time. It's almost as though I'm competing with myself when I'm able to see what I am doing. I have never worked out without a shirt on in a studio but it is important for me to see my body form and movements so a sports bra and (high waisted - amen) leggings are my uniform. This is one of the things I LOVE about this digital platform. My inner wallflower really shines. Another technique I find helpful is to video myself on my phone. It can be beneficial to see where I need to step up my game if I am struggling to nail a movement. I am far from coordinated so I have fun with the cardio and just keep moving and I give the sculpt my all, results guaranteed.


Alicia P. (Koloa, HI)

How long have you've been a Studio LB Member?  How do you practice Studio LB? 

I’ve been a member since August 2019. My typical schedule is:

  • Day 1 - Day 5: Studio LB

  • Day 6: Hike or Jog (or take LB outdoors)

  • Day 7: Yoga and Light stretching 

What are some of your tips to stay committed and self-motivate? 

To stay committed and self motivated I have built a routine that works for me.

  1. Work out in the mornings. I am not a morning person by any means, but I know after a long day at work I will not be as motivated.

  2. Record my work outs. This helps me notice how much I’ve grown over time. In the beginning, I had to modify almost every work those calf pumps I struggled with come second nature!

  3. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood for a full body work out. Swapping out full length workouts for some of my favorite Quick Burn workouts keeps me from missing a work out entirely!

What are some of you tips to help yourself work at a 10 instead of a 5?

For me it’s knowing my body and understanding what I need that day! Weights or no weights? When I’m feeling low, I drop the weights and focus on listening to Lauren. When I’m high energy, I add the weights to push myself and make sure I’m giving it my all.

The results you get are directly related to the effort you put in. Do your best to feel and look your best! - Mahalo, Alicia