Lauren Boggi's Studio LB

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The January Program begins tomorrow and I’ve been prepping for the first Monday of the new year. I recently looked back at my morning routine post from Jan 2020 and was floored at how much my mornings have changed. Have you thought about yours? Morning routines are more important than ever, especially since we’re multi-tasking and juggling so much right now. We thrive from the consistency and efficiency of routines; they allow us to have more control of our day, reduce stress, keep us grounded and on top of our game. When our world gets knocked off it’s axis, having a morning routine that we can count on makes us feel motivated and much more in control of our lives.  

There’s real power in a morning routine because it’s comforting – Particularly when the routine involves good healthy habits like movement, whole foods, water, and self-care rituals like mindfulness. My morning routine is a big emotional motivator for me and it plays a huge part in my life. Committing to my best habits, especially during the past few months has been so vital.

Time is our most valuable standard and each piece of our morning routine should add value, joy, and productivity to our stressful, high-octane days. The goal is to build us up without burning out and we are naturally more productive in the AM. A solid morning routine is a lot like Newton’s Law of Motion. That AM routine IS the inertia that will snowball into your most important tasks – The ones that drive the most business, and bring you the most joy. 

Morning routines really help us keep our eye on the prize and our mindset strong. Moving your body everyday especially in the morning is an amazing productivity hack that helps us stay powerful, innovative, and forward-focused. Listen to your body and it will tell you what it needs. Maybe you need cardio or sculpt, or you might need to freestyle in your kitchen to some trap music. Seriously! Whatever movement will make you feel good should hold a sacred space in your daily routine.