Lauren Boggi's Studio LB

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Ah, balance. The buzz word all over the gram. Those balance posts drive me nuts more than statement tees do.  Balance is everywhere and we’re all searching hard for it.  And we should be, because it’s super important. Without it, we can feel kinda anxious and lost.  

Balance (or, happiness, IMO) is really a very personal thing and it’s super interesting because it looks so very different for each of us.  It relates to our life, mind-set, and our lifestyle.  It's about making healthy choices and feeling good, but also allowing yourself the freedom to have fun and be flexible so you’re not hyper-obsessed about every workout and meal.  

Balance is the wellness homeostasis that we’re all striving for, right?  But do we even know what it means?  Figuring out what it means to YOU is step one.  Then, how do we sustain a lifestyle that is fun and makes us feel incredible (healthy) rather than guilty or anxiety-ridden?  I’m asked this question everyday, and I’m here to tell you that it’s totally 100% possible!

Just like it takes time to reach your fitness goals, balance definitely doesn't happen overnight.  And, sometimes you have to really forgo it to fully learn how to achieve it.  For example, If you’re goal-getting, trying to lose weight, or level-up and become your most fit…there’s not going to be much balance happening.  You cannot be downing burgers and beers on a weekly basis and achieve your goals.  BUT, if you can’t have a little wine and dark chocolate what’s the point, right?  

Everyday people ask me about what I do to stay fit (this thing called Studio LB), what I eat, and if I’m restrictive all the time.  Honestly, I don’t feel like I’m enforcing restrictions on myself, because I feel like I've found my balance.  I do try to maintain a healthy, low sugar diet, but if I’m craving something sweet I’ll indulge in some Nutella (on an apple), or a healthy thin crust pizza.  But not every night.  I do enjoy a glass of wine every night and that’s my non-negotiable.  If I want or need to kick it into high gear and become leaner, I’ll nix the wine and choose something with less sugar.  My diet is often 90/10 or 95/5, but, I’m prepared to sacrifice certain things because I truly love the way training and great nutrition make me feel and look.  Do I ever reach for the Potato chips?  Of course, maybe once a month, but I'm def not pining over them.  

So how do we do it?  With a little bit of mindfulness and awareness.  By being mindful and raising our awareness on the things that cause us to feel imbalanced, we can overcome what has thrown us off-balance. 

When it comes to creating more balance, I recommend making small changes  instead of enforcing restrictions.  Sounds like LB 100, right?  For example, choose vodka + La Croix over that glass of wine.  Try cooking in chicken broth instead of butter a few days a week.  Cook four nights a week instead of ordering takeout or eating out. Try to move a little more every day:  Walk to work instead of taking the train, take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Park on the far end of the parking lot so that you walk more during the day. When it comes to exercise, do what you love.  Bottom line is, If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick with it.

If you’re new to this, or are trying to achieve your balance, I always recommend starting with the 80/20 rule.  Make healthy choices 80% of the time and allow yourself the freedom to enjoy the things you crave 20% of the time.  And when you’re ready to take it to the next level, make the 20% the healthiest indulgent choices you possibly can.  

I'm here if you need me! 
