Lauren Boggi's Studio LB

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I'm starting a little weekly column here called LIVING BETTER, where I'll share ways to help you stay inspired to live better, and healthier. 

Today I want to talk about your schedule flow and Studio LB.  So many of us lose steam because we work against the flow of our lives.  Since I know I’m not the only person out there stretched for time, I wanted to dedicate this week’s LIVING BETTER article to catering to your own schedule – whatever that may be. And this can come in handy for both moms and non-moms, too!

What I mean by catering to your own schedule is going with the natural flow of what’s going on in your life.  I find that many of the people that I work with try setting lofty fitness goals that are tough to stick with.  Like, "I'm going to start doing Studio LB, and I'm going to do the 50-minute workouts, and I'm going to do it every damn day at 5AM."  Sure, that's great in theory, but if you're not a morning person, or don't exercise at 5AM, it's probably not happening more than once, right?  

But, maybe you ARE a morning person and getting up at 5AM to workout makes the most sense to you. Maybe you get a rush of energy and some free time around 7PM, or you're a night owl and you do your best work at midnight.  Maybe you want to spend your mornings with your kids, and therefore you must shift your workouts and errands to evening.

By going with the flow of your own life, things get a lot easier and less stressful. At least that’s what I’ve found from my flow with Mars.

Jordan works from San Diego half of the week, so I single-mom-it, part-time.  On those days, I'll wake up, prepare breakfast, do school drop off, and come back home to work and then by mid-afternoon, I’m usually ready to get moving, so that’s when I do my workouts.  In the early morning (before 7AM), I can't seem to get it together, and I don't fight it.  

While everyone’s schedule, home life, and work situation is unique, I urge you to go with the flow of your own schedule.  There's no right or wrong time to do your workouts!  Try to ignore the proper times for workouts, and instead, do them at a time that feels good to you.