

As I look ahead to the shift into Fall (and back to school), I almost immediately feel anxiety. As women, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities—family, work, school, relationships, and more. It can be completely overwhelming, and when life gets too stressful, it can lead to anxiety, worry, and even panic. You know when you spend the day feeling flighty, disconnected, and just going through the motions? There are ways to find balance and bring yourself back to calm and centered, and one of the most effective methods that I’ve relied on for most of my life is grounding. In fact, you’ll often find me literally sitting on the floor. One of the reasons Activation feels so good is because we really ground down over the course of a few days.

Grounding basically means to bring your focus to what is happening to you physically, either in your body or in your surroundings, instead of being trapped by the thoughts in your mind that are causing you to feel anxious. It helps you stay in the present moment instead of worrying about things that may happen in the future or events that have already happened but you still find yourself going over and over them in your head. Here are five grounding techniques that can help you reduce stress and anxiety:


Beyond slb, I regularly dance and spend time on my foam roller to release emotoin. Movement helps release stress, gets blood flowing, and calms the mind. As you move, focus on your body and how it feels. Pay attention to your breath and how your muscles feel.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is one of the most effective grounding techniques for stress and anxiety. Regulating your breathing helps you regulate your emotions. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, filling the lungs completely, then exhale slowly and fully through your mouth. Repeat this exercise for a few minutes, paying attention to your breath as you inhale and exhale.

EFT Tapping

You’ll see me tapping often. Similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on the meridian points — or energy hot spots — to restore balance to your body’s energy. It’s believed that restoring this energy balance can relieve symptoms a negative experience or emotion may have caused.

Based on Chinese medicine, meridian points are thought of as areas of the body energy flows through. These pathways help balance energy flow to maintain your health. Any imbalance can influence disease or sickness. Acupuncture uses needles to apply pressure to these energy points. EFT uses fingertip tapping to apply pressure.

Sensory Awareness

Grounding through sensory awareness is another effective technique. It involves focusing on your senses to help bring you back to the present moment. Start by sitting or standing with your feet firmly on the ground. Take a deep breath and then focus on your senses. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? Pay attention to each sense and try to describe it in detail in your mind. Sucking on a piece of sour candy or walking outside on the grass barefoot also really helps.


Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, without judgment. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without reacting to them. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. As thoughts come into your mind, acknowledge them, but don't dwell on them. Instead, let them go and return your focus to your breath.



Michael Pollan says to “eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” Dr. Atkins suggested, “eat either three regular-size meals a day or four or five smaller meals. Do not skip meals or go more than six waking hours without eating.” In French Women Don’t Get Fat, Mireille Guiliano writes “French women love bread and would never consider a life without carbs.” And then there’s J. Lo challenging her 93 million Instagram followers to cut sugar, carbs, condiments, most fruits, alcohol and dairy from their diet for 10 days to become super lean.

I’m not necessarily knocking any of this as purely bad advice, but it definitely can become very overwhelming trying to weed out the good from the wack when it comes to our diet. When I say diet here, I should clarify that I mean purely the food that we eat on a daily basis rather than a restrictive set of behaviors.

I love sharing recipes with you, and try to give some insight into what I eat both here on the blog and also via Instagram. In my opinion, food can be nourishing, fun, and communal which is why I like to post photos and share interesting seasonal ingredients that I’m loving. What I never want to do when sharing my food ideas or even meal plans for challenges is to make you feel anxious or overwhelmed with respect to your relationship with food. IF you’re actively trying to lose weight, take this all with a grain of salt, as I strongly believe in the science of proper portion sizes, calorie counting, and listening to your body’s cues - like, stopping or slowing down when you take that first big inhale (if you’ve been on Activation with me, you’ve heard all this).

With all that being said, I wanted to talk about Intuitive Eating, an approach to nutrition that respects your body and aims to break a toxic diet mentality. An intuitive eater is defined by a few main behaviors (there are actually 10 principles  to the approach but we’ll focus on just a few here):

  • Makes food choices without experiencing guilt or an ethical dilemma

  • Honors hunger

  • Respects fullness

  • Enjoys the pleasure of eating

Sounds simple, right? Not so much if you’re a person who has chronically restricted food or weight cycled over the years. Without realizing, we internalize so many aspects of diet culture like categorizing foods as Good/Clean versus Bad/Sinful. Breaking yourself of that mindset is one of the first steps toward eating intuitively and growing a respectful relationship with food.

Another key component is discovering what hunger feels like to you. Intuitive eating encourages you to discover what your personal cues for satisfaction and fullness feel like, and meet those needs. Also, it can help you realize that allowing yourself to become excessively hungry sends all of your intentions of moderate, conscious eating running for the hills. Determining your biological signals and respecting them is important (and not always easy to do)!

Intuitive Eating also stresses the importance of finding fun, happy ways to move your body. If you’re reading this, I hope Studio LB is that positive method for you. By this approach, exercise is supposed to energize you rather than punish your body. If you’re using exercise only as a way to lose weight or to justify eating more food, you will not stick with it and you will inevitably be disappointed.

Finally, food should taste good and be enjoyable to eat. What is the point otherwise? Try savoring your meals and choosing ingredients that make you happy and energized. Keep in mind, this does not have to be the exact same every day. You are the expert of your body, and only you can decide what fullness and satisfaction mean to you.

If finding a balanced, positive approach to eating feels like too much to take on alone, ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietitian or check  for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

You can read up on the full Intuitive Eating approach in Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch’s book, originally published in 1995. 

I’m excited to share my personal tips with you this week and I’m always here to chat all things food, ingredients, and recipes on the Studio LB hotline 424-327-5470.



When you show up for yourself and focus on whole health and well-being it really becomes a fulfilling lifestyle. A sense of equilibrium and overall calm in our mind-body connection is so key. Between work, family, social, personal development, and health obligations, our days zoom by in a hectic frenzy and it’s typically after our workout that we’re actually re-centered. Here are a few ways to stay in that zone and keep the balance going.

Epsom Salt Bath

I find that women often avoid self-care practices like long, luxurious baths and consider them selfish, a misuse of time, or overly indulgent. Have you felt that way? Well let me be the one to tell you: you totally deserve it. If I’ve had a long day filming and feel muscle soreness, an epsom salt bath and a book are exactly what I need.

Wine Down

I’ll often skip wine or a cocktail with dinner in favor of having one either during my bath or just before bed. A Ramona or a great glass of red - sometimes super light Pinot Noir or something spicy like a Tempranillo - helps me chill out and slow down. In moderation, polyphenol antioxidants in red wine like resveratrol have been shown to be heart healthy which is a nice bonus.

During this time, I like to stop any endless scrolling on the phone or working on my laptop and fully unplug. Some nights it means enjoying comfortable silence solo, and others it means downloading with Jordan when he’s in LA.


You guys know that I’m a believer. From oil to high potency CBD bombs, it’s in my life (especially at night) on the regular.


Myofascial release is so undervalued, and if you commit to a regular foam rolling habit the results are incredible. In the AM, I recommend rolling vigorously to stimulate blood flow and wake your limbs up. Nighttime rolling should be gentler, slower and over time it starts to feel relaxing. Personally I find it most beneficial to hit my hamstrings and back before heading to sleep. I’ll admit there’s a pretty high barrier to entry, since the first few times rolling can feel very uncomfortable. I like to find the points of tension as I roll, and pause on them breathing into that spot. Breaking up the fascia feels so good and therapeutic to me before bed.



The January Program begins tomorrow and I’ve been prepping for the first Monday of the new year. I recently looked back at my morning routine post from Jan 2020 and was floored at how much my mornings have changed. Have you thought about yours? Morning routines are more important than ever, especially since we’re multi-tasking and juggling so much right now. We thrive from the consistency and efficiency of routines; they allow us to have more control of our day, reduce stress, keep us grounded and on top of our game. When our world gets knocked off it’s axis, having a morning routine that we can count on makes us feel motivated and much more in control of our lives.  

There’s real power in a morning routine because it’s comforting – Particularly when the routine involves good healthy habits like movement, whole foods, water, and self-care rituals like mindfulness. My morning routine is a big emotional motivator for me and it plays a huge part in my life. Committing to my best habits, especially during the past few months has been so vital.

Time is our most valuable standard and each piece of our morning routine should add value, joy, and productivity to our stressful, high-octane days. The goal is to build us up without burning out and we are naturally more productive in the AM. A solid morning routine is a lot like Newton’s Law of Motion. That AM routine IS the inertia that will snowball into your most important tasks – The ones that drive the most business, and bring you the most joy. 

Morning routines really help us keep our eye on the prize and our mindset strong. Moving your body everyday especially in the morning is an amazing productivity hack that helps us stay powerful, innovative, and forward-focused. Listen to your body and it will tell you what it needs. Maybe you need cardio or sculpt, or you might need to freestyle in your kitchen to some trap music. Seriously! Whatever movement will make you feel good should hold a sacred space in your daily routine.



Can you tell us about your morning routine?

Well, I single parent three - four days a week so I have a lot on my plate in the mornings! Hectic is oftentimes an understatement. I love the quiet of early mornings; waking up around 5:30 AM allows me to decompress, have some me time and prepare my day instead of just going straight into incoming communication, work and being a mom.

I’m really not the greatest water drinker so I always make myself drink a large glass of water with lemon and turmeric while my coffee brews. I’ll write out my to-do list on my phone (without checking my email), prioritize my day, and I TRY to set an intention for the day but it doesn’t always happen. From there, I turn on some music and free flow on my mat in the living room while the sun rises and Mars is still sleeping. Moving early in the day really inspires me and gets my creativity flowing. I have more energy at night but I create my best content in the AM. I do this on an empty stomach because fasted cardio gives us a surge of anti-aging human growth hormone and it keeps my head so much clearer. I’m a believer! Then, I shower and check Studio LB hotline messages and social media.

I wake Mars up at 7AM and we’re out the door just before 8AM. School drop off is at 8:30 AM in Hollywood and I swear that some days I feel like I’ve run a marathon by 9AM. Mom’s know - Sometimes it’s kinda like herding a cat. It’s crazy! A few days a week after drop-off I’ll grab a Cubano at The Commissary with my girlfriend Janeesa and then once I’m back home, I get straight to work as half of my team is east coast-based. I’ll make a collard wrap or a quick breakfast salad with spinach, quinoa, a hard boiled egg, and salmon or chicken, or I’ll blend up a low-sugar smoothie at 11AM and then I’m in hair and makeup and on-camera and in production starting at noon. I do pre-production on Mondays and it has made my week so much better. No more Sunday blues!

What is your sanity saving non-negotiable in the morning?

LB: Fresh air and music are high priority for me in the AM. I never watch or listen to the news it just gives me really bad vibes.

Favorite way to treat yourself?

LB: I am all about getting away or traveling somewhere new. Oh, and going out to HH with my girls. I just love to have a good time and feel alive. Life is all about living, right?

You’re on-camera so much. How do you manage over-stimulation? Do you have any tips on managing that stress?

LB: I have to be very ON for my work so it takes a lot out of me and it’s tough to come down sometimes. Unwinding at night (another article for another time) is a challenge. I’m naturally a night owl and can easily get a second wind at 10PM so if I don’t put myself to bed, I’m happily up working until 1AM. I personally manage my daytime stress with movement and some gratitude, and as I write this after a super full day I am thankful that I have a strong, healthy body and get to do what I do, and that people love Cardio-Cheer-Sculpting. Perspective.

Tell us where you find AM peace.

LB: I feel really lucky to live where I do here in Southern California; the city, the beach, desert, and the mountains are all so close and accessible. Growing up on the east coast I specifically find my peace outdoors now all year long and I love it. I also love sailing and at some point I really want to sail out here. Being on the water is my ultimate and I have such an infatuation with the Pacific, although I’m somewhat terrified of what’s under the water!

Describe something that has changed your morning world since you moved to LA.

You know, the past few years have really made me realize the impact of my own attitude on the quality of my life…especially in the morning. I’ve always been an optimist, but I’m not really a morning person. Choosing to be positive at the start of the day and having a positive attitude everyday is more important than anything else in the AM.

Having a positive attitude (or a negative one) can make or break any situation: A business, a family, a friendship - And it’s more impactful than success, failure, work ethic, and even talent, imo. I am totally convinced that life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we positively or negatively react to it.



We talk about holiday travel as a hurdle to health a lot, but what about when you’re hosting at home? Having friends and family gather in your space can run the gamut from stressful to blissful, and without fail it throws off your normal routine. Here’s a few ideas to keep up with your practice and healthy habits while still being the hostess with the mostest.

Be unapologetic
Your fam won’t know you’re trying to get a workout in unless you tell them, right? Text your mom before she gets to town that you’re thrilled to see her and you also don’t want to completely fall of the wagon with Studio LB. After your intentions are laid out, don’t feel sorry or apologize about disappearing for an hour at a time! Guilt trips be damned- your fitness is worth it.

On the calendar
Schedule in advance when you want to exercise, write it down, and stick to it. I prefer to wake up early and get it done before distractions and diversions pop up. If I wait til others want to take a midday football snooze, generally something else sounds better than a workout (snacks, drinks, movies, board games). Something about adding my planned workouts to my calendar helps keep me accountable, so before guests arrive it’s good to make a plan.

Team up
Your family is less likely to undermine your workouts if they’re part of the fun too. This can mean as little as getting your aunt and sister to try Studio LB with you, or as intense as gamifying the whole weekend. Break your crew up into two teams and see who can master a tough CCS series better, or who can complete the most workouts as a team. And if your dad does a Genie-Dagger or a Pretty Girl, please please please send me a video. Pretty much the definition of healthy competition, and way more fun than a Turkey Trot.

Quick Burn
Cooking, cleaning, chatting, and other hosting duties can definitely leave you short on time, so scaling back to the Quick Burn schedule rather than The Program will be your best option. Don’t fight it or feel bad. Make sure to incorporate a blend of cardio and sculpting for max results. This can be a fun opportunity to explore Studio LB’s extensive library of workouts you may have missed.

Hopefully these can help you from feeling lethargic and keep you crushing your fitness goals even during an unusual schedule and with extra bodies in your space!



A sense of equilibrium, wellbeing and overall calm in our mind-body connection is key to a rejuvenating night of sleep. Between work, family, LA fires, social, personal development, and health obligations, my day sometimes zooms by in a hectic frenzy and I’m left both wound up and drained by bedtime. At the end of each day I try to unwind and re-center in a few ways that help bring me back down to earth and into balance.

Bath Time

I find that women often avoid self care practices like long, luxurious baths and consider them selfish, a misuse of time, or overly indulgent. Have you felt that way? Well let me be the one to tell you: you totally deserve it. If I’ve had a long day filming Studio LB workouts and feel muscle soreness, an epsom salt bath and a book are exactly what I need. A bath versus a shower also means I can toss my hair on top of my head in a bun and extend a good blow out for a few days without having to put on a fugly shower cap.

Wine Down

I’ll often skip wine or a cocktail with dinner in favor of having one either during my bath or just before bed. A great glass of red - sometimes super light Pinot Noir or something spicy like a Tempranillo - helps me chill out and slow down. In moderation, polyphenol antioxidants in red wine like resveratrol have been shown to be heart healthy which is a nice bonus.

During this time, I like to stop any endless scrolling on the phone or working on my laptop and fully unplug. Some nights it means enjoying comfortable silence solo, and others it means downloading with Jordan when he’s in LA. When I look at my own family, the ones that share Italian roots definitely stress less and laugh more than most people I know. They must be doing something right. Maybe it’s the Montepulciano d’Abruzzo?


You guys know that I’m a believer. From oil to high potency CBD balms, it’s in my life (especially at night) on the regular.


I heard once that Mariah Carey demands marathon, hours-long massages while she watches movies like Mean Girls and Bruno on repeat to fall asleep. I don’t have that diva level of disposable income sadly, so instead my foam roller and I are buds.

Myofascial release is so undervalued, and if you commit to a regular foam rolling habit the results are incredible. In the AM, I recommend rolling vigorously to stimulate blood flow and wake your limbs up. Nighttime rolling should be gentler, slower and over time it starts to feel relaxing. Personally I find it most beneficial to hit my hamstrings and back before heading to sleep. I’ll admit there’s a pretty high barrier to entry, since the first few times rolling can feel very uncomfortable. I like to find the points of tension as I roll, and pause on them breathing into that spot. Breaking up the fascia feels so good and therapeutic to me before bed.

I’d definitely also recommend trying out one of my flow style workouts before bed as a supplement to your regular daily practice. Studio LB’s 15-minute core stretch and 13-minute stretch are both great to help realign posture and shake off some stress of the day before climbing into bed. 



Air Max 95 via Nike

Did the fourth sneak up on us, or what? I love Independence Day so much: time with my family and friends, fireworks that burst first and then sizzle, and flag-shaped pies made with strawberries and blueberries. This year, we’re heading to Newport Beach for a long weekend and that means four whole days outside of my normal routine. 

Gearing up my motivation to stay consistent on vacation can be tough, so I try to get in either a full 50-minute or shorter, 25-min. Quick Burn Studio LB workout before everyone else wakes up for the morning. This week’s 26-min. Cardio + Sculpt, Brooke is perfect for the holiday week. If I skip it in the morning, inevitably a mimosa finds its way into my hand around brunch time and I lose steam. Other than motivation, logistically getting a workout in on vacation depends on how strategically I pack for the trip. Sometimes I’m so focused on being sure Mars has swimsuits, jammies, extra underwear, etc, that I can leave my own packing to the very last minute.

This time I’m packing my Oh Joy! weekender bag to set me up for success to stay on track fitness and nutrition wise, and wanted to share my four key staples: loops, chia seeds, supplements, and sneakers. Even though Newport Beach is just a quick drive for us this time, all four of these staples are carry-on friendly for when I’m flying too.


Studio LB Loops

It’s not realistic for me to travel with a set of 8 or 10 pound weights, but loops are basically weightless and perfect to toss in my bag. My loops set includes light, medium, and heavy resistance bands to sculpt the booty, hips, thighs and upper body. If you scroll down in the Explore page of the Studio LB app and click “Search by Prop,” you’ll find Sculpting and Cardio workouts incorporating loops that you can do while traveling.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and calcium. I like to either prep chia pudding and leave it overnight in the fridge if I have access to a kitchenette, or add them on top of my salads throughout the day. I definitely prefer soaking chia seeds to eating them dry, since hydrated chia helps me feel full longer and is easier to digest.



I portion out scoops of Moon Juice protein powder into travel storage containers rather than bringing the entire tub with me, and aim to make one nutrient dense smoothie per day. It’s helpful to toss single serving packets of MCT oil in my carry on too to boost brain function, digestion, and overall energy.


It’s no secret I’m obsessed with sneakers. I justify my devotion to them saying they’re basically my work wardrobe... right? Whether you choose to wear them on your flight or tuck them in the base of your roller bag, don’t leave them at home. You can find time on your trip to get a sweat sesh in. Since moving to California, I’ve really come to love hiking as a social way to get in my workout and sneakers are key. If you do forget them, I learned recently that Westin Hotels have a fitness gear lending program which is so awesome.

So that’s my basic packing plan for Independence Day to make sure I stay on track food and fitness wise! This trip I feel really prepared to stick with my regular routines even during an excellent, fun, celebratory holiday weekend. Text me on the hotline if you have any questions or ideas about fitness over the Fourth 424-327-5470. 



It’s time to level up. The summer solstice arrives in just a few hours. Even though Memorial Day weekend often feels like the official kickoff of summer, the summer solstice, which begins at 11:54am on Friday, June 21, marks the official beginning of our favorite time of the year. The solstice is a celebration of the sun, is a peak of energy for the entire year, and is a perfect time to reflect on your 2019 so far and excitedly usher in a new season.

I’m so ready to play, soak up the light and good energy that summer brings. Spring —and our time of renewal and grey is OVER. At Studio LB, we’ve been gently easing into this new season for eight weeks and now it’s time to shift into manifestation mode and make our goals a reality. Here are five ways to celebrate the much-loved incoming season.

1. Rise Early Watching the sun rise is a powerful reminder of nature’s cycles and our often overlooked circadian rhythm. Wake up early and watch it rise with your coffee or tea and feel how those diamond minutes fill you with light and positive energy.

2. Tune Into Nature The best way to honor the sun is to be in it, so take your Studio LB workout outdoors, eat outside, and buy fresh flowers to celebrate the new season and the abundance of life that the sun gives us.

3. Set Summer Intentions/Resolutions Today is the perfect time to set intentions and re-visit goals for the rest of the year. Reflect on projects and ideas that have been brewing since winter/spring. It’s a great time for a check-in, so make a list or light and candle and manifest what you want and let go of what you don’t.

4. Be Free Summer is an opportunity to slow down, loosen the reigns, and tune into your inner child. The warmer months bring us a carefree sense of freedom, and an expansive energy that propels us into action as we spend more time outdoors.

5. Create A Magical Summer Cocktail Traditionally, elderflowers and their leaves are associated with the summer solstice. Alternatively, you can utilize St. Germain or brew chamomile tea and add a dash of turmeric and ginger.



How has living on the West Coast affected your lifestyle?

California has always felt like home to me. Whenever I would travel here for work or vacation I’d never want to leave. Jordan says LA is my “Spirit City” which seems about right. My lifestyle has shifted a bit since moving to the West Coast. I feel like it’s quieter in LA - I spend much more time at home in LA than I ever did in Philadelphia. I’m not on edge and running around LA like I was on the East Coast. I’m much more balanced, present, and chilled-out here. In addition to my at-home Studio LB practice it’s also been really nice for me to step outside my house and go for a walking call, or a hike or run at Runyon.

Is routine important to you, or do you prefer to go with the flow when it comes to your schedule?

Routine is important to me when it comes to health and wellness but I’m very much a go with the flow person, which can be both good and bad! Being over-scheduled with work squashes my creativity and I prefer to create and produce one - two workouts on certain days, and then the rest can be more spontaneous. I think leaving room for spontaneity in your life leads you down some pretty awesome roads.

With that being said, do you have any bedtime routines or rituals that help you sleep well?

Every night I put ten solid minutes in on my foam roller and take a bath followed by Papa & Barkley’s Whole Body Releaf 30:1 CBD Tincture.

Tell me about your skincare approach for your face and body.

My routine is pretty simple. I’m a huge believer in the benefits of a healthy diet and sweating everyday. I don’t eat a lot of sugar or dairy. Other than that, daily Gua Sha, and micro-current a few times a week. I’ve been using Dr. Bucky’s Alphaeon and Shani Darden’s Retinol Reform for years.

What’s the best advice your parents ever gave you, and do you actively follow it?

My parents always allowed me to be myself, and told me to do what I love and try to make money doing it. I absolutely follow (most of) their advice.

If stressors in your life cannot be avoided, what are your methods of dealing with them?

It has to be pretty stressful in order to really eat at me, but if I’m sweating something I like to breathe and remind myself that things aren’t always going to be okay, and to accept that.

How’s your relationship with your body? 

OMG I am so in tune with my body. I sorta have this like, body intuition with myself (and other people’s bodies). I can read it really well, and know when I need to cut out sugar or dairy, or back off during a workout. My outlook on my body has changed since turning 40. I feel stronger than ever and my mind and body are super meshed. I know who I am and I love every inch of me, and for me that really came with age.

Can you tell me about a book, movie, or podcast that has influenced you recently?

21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari kinda blew my mind.

In your practice with Studio LB, you always build in a Rest or Yoga day. Can you explain the importance of that day?

Taking a rest day is so important. Your body rebuilds itself via rest. You simply cannot become stronger without it. CCS is intense and so full-body. Every muscle is integrated into the workout and the rest day is so necessary! Yoga is the perfect companion as it really helps with stretching and alignment.

What do you look for in a Yoga teacher?

The main things that I look for is a teacher with great anatomy knowledge, and a willingness to be super authentic. I don’t need someone to be nice and I think it's crucial for teachers to be real and that’s what really attracts me. I want to feel something. When teachers are true educators it’s so palpable. Here in LA, I love Emilie Perz. She’s so gifted!

Do you ever see yourself having a Studio again?

You know, CCS is very niche and unique but the current market is very different from when I started out. It’s so saturated. I’ll never say never, but not right now. I have days where I have a slight itch but operating studios is not what excites me. I love the digital world. I love being able to be a part of everyone’s day wherever they are. I LOVE teaching and creating. That’s my gift. I also love being a part of people’s lives without the need or pressure to be people’s ONLY thing. I think that we’re really in the midst of a huge fitness shift; a cultural moment.

Why do you think people gravitate towards you and Studio LB?

I think it's a mixture of things. First and foremost, the workout and the results. But, it's more than just changing your body. It's always been about empowering women through movement and this movement in particular really fuels confidence and strength. It literally makes you feel like you’re f*ing Beyonce. It’s so powerful. And fun. The Program changes people’s bodies and headspace.

What’s the most common mistake you see when you’re training someone new to Cardio Cheer Sculpting?

Just not giving it enough time to fully master the technique or not committing to learning the basic bio-mechanical principles. CCS is a different type of movement. Discipline is a huge part of success with CCS and there are huge rewards of committing to Studio LB fully, working hard, and seeing the program through. You can’t make excuses and succeed when it comes to fitness.

What advice to women always ask you for?

Number one would be what they should eat to see the best results.

What do you do to unwind or treat yourself?

I unwind by listening to music or reading and I love to hang with my girls or treat myself to a manicure and pedicure at Olive & June or go shopping. And wine…wine and shopping!

What’s your favorite love song?

Ahh! Probably a tie between Born To Run by Bruce Springsteen and Rolling Stones Beast of Burden.

To be continued next week…


As the earth rotated around the sun on March 20th, the Spring Equinox marked the transition to a new season and the very welcoming equal balance of daylight and darkness. The seasonal shift invokes hope and a change in habits: fresh perspective, new rituals, a clean slate.

Speaking of new rituals, this week we’re incorporating outdoor walking into the weekly schedule. Walking (fast) in the fresh air is great for feeling strong, alive, connected, and forward-moving. I’ve been walking several times per week for the past couple of weeks and it’s been a real game changer in the way I feel, both mentally and physically.

Get inspired and make a playlist with your favorite music (or use ours) and keep proper walking form in mind: Stand tall, eyes forward, strike with the heel, roll through the foot, push off the toes, and squeeze the glutes.


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Ah, balance. The buzz word all over the gram. Those balance posts drive me nuts more than statement tees do.  Balance is everywhere and we’re all searching hard for it.  And we should be, because it’s super important. Without it, we can feel kinda anxious and lost.  

Balance (or, happiness, IMO) is really a very personal thing and it’s super interesting because it looks so very different for each of us.  It relates to our life, mind-set, and our lifestyle.  It's about making healthy choices and feeling good, but also allowing yourself the freedom to have fun and be flexible so you’re not hyper-obsessed about every workout and meal.  

Balance is the wellness homeostasis that we’re all striving for, right?  But do we even know what it means?  Figuring out what it means to YOU is step one.  Then, how do we sustain a lifestyle that is fun and makes us feel incredible (healthy) rather than guilty or anxiety-ridden?  I’m asked this question everyday, and I’m here to tell you that it’s totally 100% possible!

Just like it takes time to reach your fitness goals, balance definitely doesn't happen overnight.  And, sometimes you have to really forgo it to fully learn how to achieve it.  For example, If you’re goal-getting, trying to lose weight, or level-up and become your most fit…there’s not going to be much balance happening.  You cannot be downing burgers and beers on a weekly basis and achieve your goals.  BUT, if you can’t have a little wine and dark chocolate what’s the point, right?  

Everyday people ask me about what I do to stay fit (this thing called Studio LB), what I eat, and if I’m restrictive all the time.  Honestly, I don’t feel like I’m enforcing restrictions on myself, because I feel like I've found my balance.  I do try to maintain a healthy, low sugar diet, but if I’m craving something sweet I’ll indulge in some Nutella (on an apple), or a healthy thin crust pizza.  But not every night.  I do enjoy a glass of wine every night and that’s my non-negotiable.  If I want or need to kick it into high gear and become leaner, I’ll nix the wine and choose something with less sugar.  My diet is often 90/10 or 95/5, but, I’m prepared to sacrifice certain things because I truly love the way training and great nutrition make me feel and look.  Do I ever reach for the Potato chips?  Of course, maybe once a month, but I'm def not pining over them.  

So how do we do it?  With a little bit of mindfulness and awareness.  By being mindful and raising our awareness on the things that cause us to feel imbalanced, we can overcome what has thrown us off-balance. 

When it comes to creating more balance, I recommend making small changes  instead of enforcing restrictions.  Sounds like LB 100, right?  For example, choose vodka + La Croix over that glass of wine.  Try cooking in chicken broth instead of butter a few days a week.  Cook four nights a week instead of ordering takeout or eating out. Try to move a little more every day:  Walk to work instead of taking the train, take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Park on the far end of the parking lot so that you walk more during the day. When it comes to exercise, do what you love.  Bottom line is, If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick with it.

If you’re new to this, or are trying to achieve your balance, I always recommend starting with the 80/20 rule.  Make healthy choices 80% of the time and allow yourself the freedom to enjoy the things you crave 20% of the time.  And when you’re ready to take it to the next level, make the 20% the healthiest indulgent choices you possibly can.  

I'm here if you need me! 
